Developing policy pathways: Redesigning transition arenas for mid-range planning

Sampsa Hyysalo*, Jani Lukkarinen, Paula Kivimaa, Raimo Lovio, Armi Temmes, Mikael Hildén, Tatu Marttila, Karoliina Auvinen, Sofi Perikangas, Allu Pyhälammi, Janne Peljo, Kaisa Savolainen, Louna Hakkarainen, Mikko Rask, Kaisa Matschoss, Timo Huomo, Annukka Berg, Mari Pantsar

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Sustainability transitions require new policy pathways that significantly reduce the environmental impacts caused by, for example, energy production, mobility and food production. Transition management (TM) is one of the approaches aiming at the creation of new ways to govern transitions. It uses transitions arenas (TA) as a key process and platform where new policy pathways are created in collaboration with multiple (frontrunner) stakeholders. TM's ambitious and demanding agenda is not easy to implement. There is a continued need for testing and developing new ways of carrying out its key processes. We redesigned the TA process in the context of energy system change in Finland by 2030, focusing on interim goals, mid-range change pathways and developing a new notation system that allows participants to directly create the pathways. The resulting renewed TA process results in more specific and detailed mid-range pathways that provide more concreteness to how to implement long-term transition goals. It helps to bridge longterm national visions/strategies and low carbon experiments that are already running. The Finnish TA work created eight ambitious change pathways, pointing towards new and revised policy goals for Finland and identifying specific policy actions. Evaluation of the TA, 6-9 months after its completion underscores that an effective TA needs to be embedded by design in the particular political context that it seeks to influence. It is too early to say to what degree the pathways will be followed in practice but there are positive signs already.

Original languageEnglish
Article number603
Pages (from-to)1-22
Number of pages22
JournalSustainability (Switzerland)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2019
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Codesign
  • Energy policy
  • Mid-range planning
  • Pathway
  • Sustainability transitions
  • Transition arena
  • Transition management


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