Designing Experiential Futures for 1.5 Degree Lifestyles

Namkyu Chun (Curator), Idil Gaziulusoy (Other), Tuomas Laakkonen (Designer), Asala Ahmadli (Designer), Alex Artemenko (Designer), Nina Balashova (Designer), Solveiga Bucyte (Designer), Lu Chen (Designer), Jonna Eloranta (Designer), Daniel Giacomelli (Designer), Kamilla Grämer (Designer), Kristin Gschwender (Designer), Noora Heiskanen (Designer), Fiona Keil (Designer), Jihae Kim (Designer), Hanna Kiss (Designer), Maria Klata (Designer), Radovan Lamac (Designer), Kathleen Lindgren (Designer), Elīna Ludborža (Designer)Zina Marpegan (Designer), Carlotta Pezzica (Designer), Emma Prost (Designer), Vera Rantamaa (Designer), Mattéo Serre (Designer), Zoe Irina Valeeva (Designer), Julia Vila Comas (Designer), Vilis Zuromskis (Designer)

Research output: Artistic and non-textual formExhibitionArt in coproductionpeer-review


The Design Futures course introduces Aalto University students to the various ways in which design and futures fields intersect. This exhibition introduces experiential futures of lifestyle 1.5 through objects, artifacts and video.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEspoo
PublisherAalto University & Helsinki Design Week
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2022
MoE publication typeF2 Partial implementation of a work of art or performance
EventHelsinki Design Week: Designs for a Cooler Planet - Aalto Univeristy, Espoo, Finland
Duration: 7 Sept 202212 Oct 2022

Field of art

  • Design


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