Defect formation in H implantation of crystalline Si

Juhani Keinonen, M. Hautala, Eero Rauhala, V. Karttunen, A. Kuronen, J. Räisänen, J. Lahtinen, Asko Vehanen, E. Punkka, Pekka Hautojärvi

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110 Citations (Scopus)


The distributions of H atoms, displaced Si atoms, and vacancy-type defects in Si(100) produced by the implantation, at room temperature, of 1×1016 35-, 60-, and 100-keV H+-ions/cm2 were measured with use of ion and slow-positron beam techniques. Three different regions of damage were observed. The damage distribution did not correlate with the deposited energy distribution. A vacancy-type damage region surviving room-temperature annealing and the dynamic annealing during implantation is produced in the region where the energy of the primary Si recoils exceeds a threshold value of 2.00.5 keV, i.e., an energy spike is needed for damage formation. In the region of the deposited energy peak, H is associated with damage consisting of SiH centers and vacancy complexes. At the end region of the implantation range, the distribution of displaced Si atoms is produced by H impurities in crystalline Si. Two different recovery stages were observed. The first stage, at 500 K, is associated with the damage region containing vacancy-type defects and SiH centers with vacancy complexes; the recovery energy is 1.7 eV. The second stage, at 700 K, is attributed to the end region of the H range, where the recovery energy associated with the recrystallization of Si after the H loss is 2.1 eV.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8269-8277
Number of pages9
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 1988
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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