Corrigendum to ‘Quantifying stand-level clumping of boreal, hemiboreal and temperate European forest stands using terrestrial laser scanning’ Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Volume 339 (2023) 109564 (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (2023) 339, (S0168192323002551), (10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109564))

Daniel Schraik*, Di Wang, Aarne Hovi, Miina Rautiainen

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debateScientificpeer-review


The authors regret there was an error in the point clouds of three plots, out of a total of 38 plots, that were noted in the article as having exceptionally low leaf area index (LAI). These three point clouds had a fault that occurred at importing the raw data, causing a loss of points in the cloud that negatively biased the LAI estimates. Subsequently, also STAR and clumping index estimates were biased. We reprocessed these plots and report here the correct values for LAI, STAR, and clumping index and provide updated figures (Figs. 4-6) as well as Table 3 to reflect these changes. Further, the supplementary file was updated to the new values, as the previous version mistakenly contained values from an older processing version that did not account for leaf angle distribution. This only affected the supplementary file, not the reported results, for which the correct values were used. The updated values are published here alongside the corrections for the three plots mentioned above. The conclusions of our original article were unaffected, except for the reported correlation for broadleaved plots between clumping index and surface reflectance, which has changed slightly. This is explained below in more detail. After reprocessing, the LAIs of the three plots were very similar, ranging from 1.75 to 1.77 (old values were 0.71 to 0.88). Clumping indices decreased from between 0.85 and 0.95 to 0.64 and 0.74, and canopy STAR also decreased from between 0.14 and 0.143 to 0.085 and 0.093. With these changes, the three plots match the ranges of other plots in terms of LAI, clumping index and STAR and are no longer outliers. The birch plots in Hyytiälä and Järvselja occupy the same range of STAR values. The correlation coefficients between STAR and forest variables have changed numerically. DBH (r = -0.42), diffuse non-interceptance (r = 0.48), effective LAI (r = -0.34) and vertical canopy gap fraction (r = 0.45) remain most correlated with STAR, but stem number (r = 0.43) and crown length (r = -0.36) had increased absolute correlation coefficient and are now similarly correlated as the DBH, diffuse non-interceptance, effective LAI and vertical gap fraction. The correlation coefficient between basal area and STAR is lower than originally reported, at r = -0.12. The difference between LAI from TLS and that derived from hemispherical photographs has decreased in the Hyytiälä birch plots. The mean difference and root mean square error between LAI from TLS and hemispherical photography in Hyytiälä for birch plots are MD = 0.23 and RMSD = 0.005 (previously MD = 0.98 and RMSD = 0.67). The correlation between clumping index and Landsat 8 OLI surface reflectance for broadleaved plots changed in response to the lower clumping indices of the three birch plots. In the visible bands as well as the SWIR bands, clumping index now has low absolute correlation coefficients ranging from -0.19 to 0.15, while in the NIR band the correlation coefficient is 0.36. Thus we can no longer conclude a slightly positive correlation (with correlation coefficients previously ranging from 0.1 to 0.43) of clumping index with surface reflectance for broadleaved plots, except in the near-infrared region.[Table

Original languageEnglish
Article number110131
JournalAgricultural and Forest Meteorology
Publication statusPublished - 15 Aug 2024
MoE publication typeB1 Non-refereed journal articles


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