Contactless measurement of cow behavior in a milking robot

M. Pastell*, A. -M. Aisla, M. Hautala, V. Poikalainen, J. Praks, I. Veermae, J. Ahokas

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We have worked on automatically measuring the behavior of dairy cows during automatic milking. A milking robot offers a unique possibility for a dynamic measurement of physical data. Four strain gauge scales were installed into a milking robot in order to measure the weight of each leg separately, and a laser distance sensor was placed next to the robot in order to measure the radial movement of the cow's body surface. The data were collected into a PC. Three video cameras were installed to observe the system, and the data were recorded digitally. From. the data, the dynamic weight or load of each leg and the respiration rate of a cow could be measured. Different stages of milking were observed, and the changes in behavior during milking were analyzed. The acquired information could be used to judge a cow's restlessness and welfare-for example, leg health and stress.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)479-486
Number of pages8
JournalBehavior Research Methods
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2006
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed
EventInternational Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Reseach - Wageningen, Netherlands
Duration: 30 Aug 20052 Sept 2005
Conference number: 5




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