Co-Designed Handset Antennas with Wide Angular mm-Wave Coverage and LTE MIMO

Joni Kurvinen, Henri Kähkönen, Anu Lehtovuori, Juha Ala-Laurinaho, Ville Viikari

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

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The co-existence of mm-wave and LTE antennas in modern handsets is yet an unsolved challenge in the phone industry and antenna research community. The different antenna types merged together in a shared volume easily hinder each other's performance. This paper extends the work published recently, showing how high-gain mm-wave antennas at 28 GHz can be incorporated in the same volume with LTE MIMO antennas. The results show that with small compromises a decent performance can be achieved at both mm-wave and LTE bands.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication 2019 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
ISBN (Electronic)978-2-87487-055-2
Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2019
MoE publication typeA4 Conference publication
EventEuropean Microwave Conference - Paris, France
Duration: 1 Oct 20193 Oct 2019


ConferenceEuropean Microwave Conference
Abbreviated titleEuMC


  • beam-steering
  • handset antenna
  • LTE
  • metal frame
  • millimeter-wave
  • multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)


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  • 5G TRx - RAD

    Viikari, V. (Principal investigator), Icheln, C. (Project Member), Lehtovuori, A. (Project Member), Rasilainen, K. (Project Member), Kurvinen, J. (Project Member), Ylä-Oijala, P. (Project Member), Haarla, J. (Project Member), Ala-Laurinaho, J. (Project Member), Luomaniemi, R. (Project Member) & Varheenmaa, H. (Project Member)


    Project: Business Finland: Other research funding

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