Claws and connections

Denise Ziegler (Curator), Maiju Loukola (Curator), Mika Elo, Haidi Motola (Curator)

Research output: Artistic and non-textual formExhibitionArt in coproductionpeer-review


Part of Claws and connections – all the world’s senses group exhibition at Kuva/Tila (Sörnäisten rantatie 19). The exhibition Claws and connections is a feast highlighting the most precious aspects of artistic research: works and practice of art. It is the first full-scale artistic research exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts of Uniarts Helsinki. It hosts contributions from 34 artist-researchers or collectives, among them doctoral and postdoctoral researchers and MFA alumni from the Academy of Fine Arts and Uniarts Helsinki. 26.1.–25.2.2024

Ajauksia group, Jan-Erik Andersson, working group Ari Björn, Outi Autti, Alix Varnajot, Thora Herrmann & Albina Pashkevich, Mireia c. Saladrigues, Matthew Cowan, Jack Faber, Miklos Gáal, Siiri Haarla, Henna-Riikka Halonen, Mari Helisevä-Miyamoto, Heidi Hänninen / KAS! collective, Iiris Kaarlehto & Klaus Maunuksela, Kiiveri & Euro, Anni Laakso, Santtu Laine, Veli Lehtovaara, Nina Liebenberg, Lauri Lähteenmäki & Maarit Laihonen, Zagros Manuchar, Heini Nieminen, Tuula Närhinen, Ilya Orlov, Simo Ripatti, Jaakko Ruuska, Elina Saloranta, Mia Seppälä, SubaruSisters, Katja Syrjä, to kosie, Katja Tukiainen, Timo Tähkänen, Hanna Vahvaselkä, Rut Karin Zettergren

The information on artistic outputs in the Aalto Research Portal follows the reporting guidelines of Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture. Therefore, each contribution requiring independent artistic activity is reported separately. For full details of the work and its contributors, please refer to information provided by the publisher.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniarts Helsinki
Publication statusPublished - 2024
MoE publication typeF2 Partial implementation of a work of art or performance
EventClaws and Connections - Kuva/Tila, Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 26 Jan 202425 Feb 2024

Field of art

  • Contemporary art


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