Characterisation of the scrape-off layer in JET-ILW deuterium and helium low-confinement mode plasmas

D. Rees*, M. Groth, S. Aleiferis, S. Brezinsek, M. Brix, I. Jepu, K. D. Lawson, A. G. Meigs, S. Menmuir, K. Kirov, P. Lomas, C. Lowry, B. Thomas, A. Widdowson, P. Carvalho, E. Delabie, JET Contributors

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Langmuir probe measurements in neutral beam injection (NBI) heated, low-confinement mode plasmas in JET ITER-like wall showed that the current to the divertor targets, Idiv, in helium (He) plasmas was up to 70% lower on the low-field side (LFS) than in otherwise identical deuterium (D) plasmas. The edge plasma density at which the rollover of Idiv occurred i.e. the onset of detachment, was 10% higher in He plasmas on both the LFS and high-field side (HFS). The density of Idiv rollover increases by 25% for He when the NBI power increases 1MW to 5MW. The total radiated power was similar in He and D plasmas for densities below the Idiv rollover. At densities above the Idiv rollover density, the total radiated power and power from within the separatrix are higher in He, reducing the power across the separatrix and subsequently Idiv,LFS. In He plasmas, the peak radiated power was observed within the confined region above the X-point in tomographic reconstructions from bolometry.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101657
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalNuclear Materials and Energy
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Detachment
  • Divertor
  • Helium plasma
  • JET
  • SOL
  • Tokamak


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