Cellulose-inorganic hybrids of strongly reduced thermal conductivity

Panagiotis Spiliopoulos, Marie Gestranius, Chao Zhang, Ramin Ghiyasi, John Tomko, Kai Arstila, Matti Putkonen, Patrick E. Hopkins, Maarit Karppinen, Tekla Tammelin, Eero Kontturi*

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The employment of atomic layer deposition and spin coating techniques for preparing inorganic–organic hybrid multilayer structures of alternating ZnO-CNC layers was explored in this study. Helium ion microscopy and X-ray reflectivity showed the superlattice formation for the nanolaminate structures and atomic force microscopy established the efficient control of the CNCs surface coverage on the Al-doped ΖnO by manipulating the concentration of the spin coating solution. Thickness characterization of the hybrid structures was performed via both ellipsometry and X-ray reflectivity and the thermal conductivity was examined by time domain thermoreflectance technique. It appears that even the incorporation of a limited amount of CNCs between the ZnO laminates strongly suppresses the thermal conductivity. Even small, submonolayer amounts of CNCs worked as a more efficient insulating material than hydroquinone or cellulose nanofibers which have been employed in previous studies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8151–8163
Number of pages13
Issue number15
Early online date11 Aug 2022
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Aluminum doping
  • Cellulose nanocrystals
  • Hybrids
  • Thermal conductivity
  • Zinc oxide


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