Broadband Balanced-to-Balanced Filtering Power Divider Using HMSIW-SSPP Transmission Line

Hao Liu, Bing Xue*, Jun Xu

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1 Citation (Scopus)
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In this paper, a novel broadband balanced-to-balanced (BTB) filtering power divider (FPD) utilizing the half-mode substrate-integrated waveguide and spoof surface plasmon polariton (HMSIW-SSPP) hybrid transmission line is introduced. Initially, a new HMSIW-SSPP unit cell is proposed, demonstrating a lower upper cut-off frequency compared to the classical HMSIW-SSPP unit cell. Building upon this unit cell, a bandpass BTB FPD is devised employing dual-layer stacked substrates, enabling independent control over the passband’s lower and upper cut-off frequencies through specific physical dimensions. Additionally, the incorporation of isolation resistors and defected ground structures in the BTB FPD enhances differential-mode isolation and common-mode (CM) suppression between output ports. A manufactured and tested BTB FPD prototype validates this design method, showcasing a broad fractional bandwidth of 52.31% (6.72–11.48 GHz), output port isolation surpassing 14.25 dB, and transmitted CM suppression exceeding 34.05 dB.

Original languageEnglish
Article number358
Number of pages12
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • balanced-to-balanced structure
  • broadband
  • filtering power divider
  • half-mode substrate-integrated waveguide
  • spoof surface plasmon polariton


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