Brittle Failure of Graphite Weakened by V-Notches: A Review of Some Recent Results Under Different Loading Modes

F. Berto*, A. Campagnolo, P. Gallo

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37 Citations (Scopus)


The present paper summarizes some recent experimental, theoretical and numerical results on brittle fracture of isostatic polycrystalline graphite. The analyses have been carried out on V-notched samples under mixed mode (I+II), torsion and compression loading, considering various combinations of the notch tip radius, opening angle and notch tilt angle. The static strength of the considered specimens is assessed through an approach based on the strain energy density averaged over a control volume. The center of the control volume is located on the notch edge, where the principal stress reaches its maximum value. The correct orientation is obtained by a rigid rotation of the crescent-shaped volume while the size depends on the fracture toughness and the ultimate strength of the material. This methodology has been already used in the literature to analyze U- and V-shaped notches subject to mode I loading with very good results and advantages with respect to classic approaches. The results reported in this new work show, also under mixed mode loading conditions, a good agreement between experimental data and theoretical predictions.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 7 Aug 2015
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • blunt notches
  • brittle failure
  • elasticity
  • mixed mode
  • strain energy density


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