Bibliometric services in recruiting processes at Aalto University

Leena Huiku, Anna-Kaisa Hyrkkänen, Irma Pasanen, Eva Tolonen

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Established in 2010, Aalto University is a new university with centuries of experience. It was created from the merger of three Finnish universities and today it consists of six schools: School of Arts, Design and Architecture; School of Business; School of Chemical Engineering; School of Electrical Engineering; School of Engineering and School of Science with nearly 20 000 students and 4 700 employees, 390 of which are professors. Aalto University has a tenure track system with clearly set evaluation criteria and selection process. The tenure track evaluation criteria is based on the principles of predictability, transparency, and comparability with international standards.

Bibliometric analysis have been an integrated part of Aalto University recruiting processes since 2011 and the bibliometric service portfolio has evolved to support the different phases of the tenure track system. The services are all a result of collaboration between several sections of the university: the Management Information Services (MIS) unit coordinates the bibliometric analysis and collaboration partners include HR, the Learning Centre (Library), Research and Innovation Services (RIS), and the selection committees of the schools. In the publication analysis the international bibliometric indicators are used and the overall methodology follows the policies highlighted e.g. in the Leiden Manifesto and the Acumen Portfolio. The poster will give an overview of the current bibliometric service portfolio, the respective partnerships of the service in question, and volume of the service.
The poster will focus on the recently launched new service, the Talent Search that aims to identify and attract good candidates to apply for a tenure track position at Aalto University. Talent Search brings together the knowhow of the School´s search committee, HR recruiting specialist, and the bibliometric information specialists of MIS. Based on the descriptive information about the post given by the selection committee the information specialists prepare a search strategy in the bibliometric databases to track down potential candidates. The dialogue with the selection committee continues until the result matches the intended scope of candidates in terms of their tenure track level and publication activity. The HR specialist is subsequently responsible of personally contacting the identified suitable candidates to market the open position. Aalto Talent Search service specifications were introduced in 2015 and the first appointment based on its results took place in 2017.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventNordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 9 Nov 201710 Nov 2017
Conference number: 22


WorkshopNordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy
Abbreviated titleNWB


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