Assessing the performance of a hybrid max-weight traffic signal control algorithm in the presence of noisy queue information: An evaluation of the environmental impacts

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Max-weight (or max-pressure) is a popular traffic signal control algorithm that has been demonstrated to be capable of optimising network-level throughput. It is based on queue size measurements in the roads approaching an intersection. However, the inability of typical sensors to accurately measure the queue size results in noisy queue measurements, which may affect the controller's performance. A possible solution is to utilise the noisy max-weight algorithm to achieve a throughput optimal solution; however, its application may lead to decreased controller performance. This article investigates two variants of max-weight controllers, namely, acyclic and cyclic max-weight (with and without noisy queue information) in simulated scenarios, by examining their impact on the throughput and environment. A detailed study of multiple pollutants, fuel consumption, and traffic conditions, which are proxied by a total social cost function, is presented to show the pros and cons of each controller. Simulation experiments, conducted for the Kamppi area in central Helsinki, Finland, show that the acyclic max-weight controller outperforms a fixed time controller, particularly in avoiding congestion and reducing emissions in the network, while the cyclic max-weight controller gives the best performance to accommodate maximum vehicles flowing in the network. The complementary positive characteristics motivated the authors to propose a new controller, herein called the hybrid max-weight, which integrates the characteristics of both acyclic and cyclic max-weight algorithms for providing better traffic load and performance through switching.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2255-2272
Number of pages18
JournalIET Intelligent Transport Systems
Issue number11
Early online date2 Oct 2024
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Distributed control
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Max-weight control
  • Noisy queue estimation


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