Assessing structural robustness of composite I-girder bridges through a work-based approach and nonlinear numerical analyses

Pramod Acharya, Rui Hao, Weiwei Lin*, Jun He

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This paper presents a structural robustness assessment of I-girder bridges through non-linear numerical analysis. Experimental tests were conducted on two scaled bridge specimens, one intact and the other damaged, subjected to asymmetric loading conditions. A nonlinear finite element model was established and validated by comparing it with experimental results in load-displacement and load-strain curves. This paper proposes a new work-based robustness assessment method and corresponding robustness index. Also, parametric studies on the effects of the vertical position of the crossbeam along girder height and the effect of crossbeam cross-section under asymmetrical loading were performed and compared using load-displacement curves. Based on the proposed method, the robustness of two, three, and four I-girder bridges was found to be 0.133, 0.296, and 0.415 with their threshold values equal to 0.269, 0.283, and 0.283 respectively. It is concluded that three I-girder bridges should be considered robust according to the proposed robustness index. The rectangular cross-section of the crossbeam showed improved post-fracture behavior for the studied model in this research based on load-displacement curves predicted by FE analysis, while crossbeam position along girder height can influence the overall post-fracture behavior of bridge structure depending on damage scenarios.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages20
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 10 Dec 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • I-girder bridges
  • concrete-steel composite
  • member fracture
  • non-linear analysis
  • redundancy
  • robustness
  • structural stability
  • torsion


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