Aperture-Shared Dual-Band High Gain Beam Scanning Antenna Hybridizing Reflection-Mode Fabry Perot Cavity and Wide-Angle Reflectarray

Qiming Wang, Yuzhong Wang, Ari Sihvola, Jiaran Qi

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Different from the aperture-shared antennas based on the transmission-mode (T-mode) Fabry-Perot-cavity-Antenna (FPCA), the reflection-mode (R-mode) beam-scanning FPCA is first excavated to realize aperture multiplexing for realizing high-gain beam scanning in both operating bands. A high-band R-mode FPCA is chosen as the basic antenna, and a low-band wide-Angle reflectarray (RA) is integrated into its partially reflective surface (PRS). A dual-band dual-function composite-structural PRS unit cell offering bidirectional energy asymmetric transmission in the high band and providing well-optimized phase distribution in the low band is proposed. The phase profile of the wide-Angle RA is optimized by the virtual-diffraction-Aperture approach using the genetic algorithm. The antenna prototype is designed, fabricated, and measured, realizing a-3 dB gain bandwidth of 12.7% (3.46-3.93 GHz) and 11.9% (6.60-7.44 GHz). The realized maximum gain in the low band and the high band are 16.1 dBi and 18.6 dBi, with an aperture efficiency of 32.3% and 16.5%, respectively. A ±36° and ±34° beam scanning range are also achieved for the low band and the high band with the scanning gain loss of 3.0 dB.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2021-2025
Number of pages5
JournalIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Issue number7
Early online date2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Antenna feeds
  • Aperture antennas
  • Computer architecture
  • Dual band
  • Gain
  • Reflection
  • Reflection mode FPCA
  • Reflector antennas
  • aperture-shared multi-band antenna
  • bidirectional energy asymmetric transmission
  • virtual diffraction aperture method
  • wide angle reflectarray


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