Antikythera iPad poetry application

Mika Lumi Tuomola, Rasmus Vuori

    Research output: Artistic and non-textual formArtefactArt in coproduction


    The work released 20 Aug 2015: - updates at the News: Antikythera is a digital, tactile, interactive poetry application for iPad and other tablet devices. It is based on the Antikythera mechanism, the ancient analog computer from 100 BC Greece. The application is experimental and voluminous; it contains over 200 poems, written for the mechanism. It links together poetry, new technology, visual art and sound, researches and explores new forms and possibilities of digital poetry: broken chronology, randomnness and determined paths of reading, locked poems which will open during the mechanism, games, visual and animated poems, temporality, disappearing and appearing poems, poems where verses change their places from other poem to another, words and lines which change their meanings and react to reader’s own actions (move, touch). The "Antikythera" collection of poems has six parts, each of the parts containing 32 poems written for 32 different themes (for example ”love”, ”transition”, ”death” etc). Zeppelin Letters from The Hindenburg (Ilmalaivakirjeet Hindenburgilta) is about young Adele and about Hindenburg’s last journey in 1937. Labrys is a feministic and feminine version of the story of Ariadne, set on Treblinka extermination camp. The Witch (Noita) is about the 17th century witch-hunt in Finnmark, mainly in Vardo Island, Norway. The Empress (Keisarinna) is an imagined monologue of Elisabeth of Austria, about restlessness, rage and lack of freedom. Images of Artists (Taiteilijakuvia) is about pre-war Vienna, about poverty, art, love and sex and artist’s muses; there are two different voices in this part Oskar Kokoschka’s Alma Mahler-doll, and Egon Schiele’s lover Valerie Neutzil. Town Stories (Kaupunkitarinoita) is about imagined medieval, European town. There are little ghost and horror stories, between poetry and prose. It is about poverty, evil and horror. There is also an Oracle in Antikythera; a "fortunetelling" mechanism, which is based on "free verses" of the poems in the database of the 32 different themes. Antikythera presents Saila Susiluoto's latest (to be published) poetry collection, co-dramatised and produced by Mika 'Lumi' Tuomola, interface and visual design by Shakti Dash, and program design by Rasmus Vuori.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    MoE publication typeF2 Partial implementation of a work of art or performance


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