Anisotropic Superhydrophobic Properties Replicated from Leek Leaves

Seyed Mehran Mirmohammadi*, Hamidreza Daghigh Shirazi, Miika Heikkilä, Sami Franssila, Jaana Vapaavuori, Ville Jokinen*

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A bio-inspired approach to fabricate robust superhydrophobic (SHB) surfaces with anisotropic properties replicated from a leek leaf is presented. The polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) replica surfaces exhibit anisotropic wetting, anti-icing, and light scattering properties due to microgrooves replicated from leek leaves. Superhydrophobicity is achieved by a novel modified candle soot (CS) coating that mimics leek's epicuticular wax. The resulting surfaces show a contact angle (CA) difference of ≈30° in the directions perpendicular and parallel to the grooves, which is similar to the anisotropic properties of the original leek leaf. The coated replica is durable, withstanding cyclic bending tests (up to 10 000 cycles) and mechanical sand abrasion (up to 60 g of sand). The coated replica shows low ice adhesion (10 kPa) after the first cycle; and then, increases to ≈70 kPa after ten icing–shearing cycles; while, anisotropy in ice adhesion becomes more evident with more cycles. In addition, the candle soot-coated positive replica (CS-coated PR) demonstrates a transmittance of ≈73% and a haze of ≈65% at the wavelength of 550 nm. The results show that the properties depend on the replicated surface features of the leek leaf, which means that the leek leaf appears to be a highly useful template for bioinspired surfaces.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2403863
Issue number46
Early online date28 Jul 2024
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • anisotropic wetting
  • leek
  • PDMS
  • replication
  • soot


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