Analysis of doping distribution in horizontal GaAs nanowires with axial p-n junction by the conductive atomic force microscopy

B R Borodin, P A Alekseev, M S Dunaevskiy, V Khayrudinov, H Lipsanen

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleScientificpeer-review

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This work presents the results of an investigation of in plane horizontal GaAs nanowires by Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) methods. Topography and a local conductivity map of the horizontal nanowire with axial p-n junction are obtained. The distribution of doping and position of p-n junctions in nanowires are visualized. The I-V curves of differently doped parts of nanowires were measured. These data can be important for the understanding of the doping incorporation mechanism of GaAs nanowires.
Original languageEnglish
Article number012228
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019
MoE publication typeA4 Conference publication
EventInternational School and Conference on Optoelectronics, Photonics, Engineering and Nanostructures - Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Duration: 22 Apr 201925 Apr 2019
Conference number: 6


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