An ecosystem service-dominant logic? - Integrating the ecosystem service approach and the service-dominant logic

Brent D. Matthies*, Dalia D'Amato, Sami Berghäll, Tommi Ekholm, Hans Fredrik Hoen, Jani Holopainen, Jaana E. Korhonen, Katja Lähtinen, Osmo Mattila, Anne Toppinen, Lauri Valsta, Lei Wang, Rasoul Yousefpour

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

50 Citations (Scopus)


Natural and business ecosystems are complex and dynamic service systems that interact through the utilization of ecosystem service offerings for human well-being. Currently, natural and business sciences have not developed a shared and common set of service-based terms or concepts for discussing ecosystem service offerings in the process of value co-creation. In this study, the ecosystem service approach was compared with marketing science's service-dominant logic. The terminology and concepts were harmonized, and the two approaches were then integrated into a service-dominant value creation (SVC) framework. The incorporation of natural ecosystems includes accounting for the flow of positive and negative impacts through associated value networks. Therefore, the term value-in-impact was proposed to describe these value flows. A case study of the global forest-based sector was then presented, demonstrating how to discuss current research challenges using the proposed framework. In conclusion, a shared service-dominant approach provides an opportunity for deeper inter-disciplinary discussion between natural and business sciences. This study represents a contribution towards the development of a holistic service science that includes consideration for natural ecosystems. The SVC framework also addresses many of the multidimensional challenges noted by previous sustainability frameworks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-64
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Cleaner Production
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2016
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Ecosystem
  • Ecosystem service
  • Ecosystem service cascade
  • Service science
  • Service-dominant
  • Value creation


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