An amphiphilic, graphitic buckypaper capturing enzyme biomolecules from water

Shahin Homaeigohar*, Mady Elbahri

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The development of carbon nanomaterials for adsorption based removal of organic pollutants from water is a progressive research subject. In this regard, carbon nanomaterials with bifunctionality towards polar and non-polar or even amphiphilic undesired materials are indeed attractive for further study and implementation. Here, we created carbon buckypaper adsorbents comprising amphiphilic (oxygenated amorphous carbon (a-COx)/graphite (G)) nanofilaments that can dynamically adsorb organic biomolecules (i.e., urease enzyme) and thus purify the wastewaters of relevant industries. Given the dynamic conditions of the test, the adsorbent was highly efficient in adsorption of the enzyme (88%) while being permeable to water (4750 L·h-1m-2bar-1); thus, it holds great promise for further development and upscaling. A subsequent citric acid functionalization declined selectivity of the membrane to urease, implying that the biomolecules adsorb mostly via graphitic domains rather than oxidized, polar amorphous carbon ones.

Original languageEnglish
Article number02
JournalWater (Switzerland)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2018
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Biomolecules
  • carbon
  • Membrane
  • Nanofiber
  • Urease
  • Water treatment


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