Addressing the efficiency loss and degradation of triple cation perovskite solar cells via integrated light managing encapsulation

Seyede Maryam Mousavi, Hamidreza Daghigh Shirazi, Rikhard Ranta, Muhammad Imran Asghar, Severi Kasurinen, Janne Halme, Jaana Vapaavuori*

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Here, we present a holistic encapsulation method for perovskite solar cells to address both optical performance losses at the air-cell interface as well as intrinsic and extrinsic stability challenges. Our one-step method provides shielding to PSCs from oxygen and moisture-induced degradation as well as in situ patterning for light management. As a result of embedding the antireflective coating onto the front side of the cell, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the PSCs was increased from 14.1 ± 0.8 % to 15.6 ± 0.8 %, indicating an 8 % relative improvement. Moreover, the encapsulated devices kept their initial performance after 90 % relative humidity and water immersion tests. The outdoor exposure test showed no degradation for the encapsulated cells after 24 h of resting at −17 °C and maximum wind speeds of 7 m/s on average. Additionally, the encapsulation strategy was instrumental in mitigating oxygen and humidity-induced degradation during ISOS-LC tests, retaining up to 80 % of the initial performance for the encapsulated devices after 360 h. This research establishes in situ encapsulation and patterning as a promising solution for reducing optical losses and extrinsic instabilities in PSCs. The choice of flexible encapsulant enables it to be used for both rigid and flexible PSCs in a wide range of applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101707
Number of pages10
JournalMaterials Today Energy
Early online date22 Oct 2024
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Encapsulation
  • Light management layer
  • Perovskite solar cell
  • Soft lithography
  • Stability


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