Aalto University KQCircuits: Aalto University software package and open-source-license file for KQCircuits, a design software for superconducting qubits and other circuits.

Johannes Heinsoo

Research output: Artistic and non-textual formSoftwareProfessional

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KQCircuits is a Python library developed by Aalto for automating the design of
superconducting quantum circuits. It uses the KLayout layout design program API.

KQCircuits generates multi-layer 2-dimensional-geometry representing common structures in quantum processing units (QPU).
It includes definitions of parametrized geometrical objects or “elements”, framework to easily define your own
elements, framework to get geometry from the elements by setting values to parameters and a framework to
assemble a full QPU design by combining many of the elements in different geometrical relations. Among other templates,
are also structures to combine QPU designs to create optical mask layout and EBL patterns for fabrication of
quantum circuits and export a set of files for a mask as needed for QPU fabrication.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherAalto University
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2021
MoE publication typeI2 ICT applications


  • qubit
  • superconducting circuits
  • computer assisted drawings
  • klayout
  • microwave circuits


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