A transition from goods-dominant to service-dominant exchange logic in a B2B relationship: A relationship positioning perspective

Hannu Makkonen*, Mervi Saarikorpi, Risto Rajala

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


The study complements the dominant interpretations of positioning in marketing management research by introducing a relational perspective on positioning in the industrial markets. Instead of focusing on products, brand, or company image only, the study focuses on the exchange logic of the relationship. The study suggests that exchange logic of the relationship i.e. relationship logic comprises a fundamental unit of positioning in the industrial markets. Accordingly, the study defines that relationship logic stems from the dynamics of the action, structural and management dimensions that integrate the buyer and supplier organizations into their mutual relationship. Through a longitudinal empirical study of a relationship between buyer and supplier companies in the food service industry, we show how the relationship has been repositioned from goods-dominant to service-dominant relationship logic. The results reveal elements on the action and structural dimensions, their mutual dynamics and managerial reframing actions that catalyze changes in the relationship logic, i.e., reposit the relationship. The results are organized into a framework that delineates the relationship positioning dimensions, and discusses the implications of such relationship positioning to guide further academic research and managerial practice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)65-77
JournalIndustrial Marketing Management
Early online date1 Jan 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Business relationships
  • Relationship logic
  • Relationship marketing
  • Relationship transition
  • Service-dominant logic
  • Servitization


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