A Novel Soft-Switched SEPIC-Based DC-DC Converter With High Voltage Gain

Reza Asgarnia, Ehsan Adib, Ebrahim Afjei, Hadi Tarzamni*

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This study introduces a novel high-gain DC-DC converter by integrating a coupled inductor (CI) and a voltage multiplier cell (VMC) into the conventional SEPIC topology. An auxiliary switch, benefiting from zero voltage switching (ZVS), is applied to provide ZVS for the main switch over a wide output power range. Moreover, the employed diodes turn off under zero current switching (ZCS), thus eliminating reverse recovery losses and increasing efficiency. This study conducts a comprehensive analysis and compares the proposed converter with state-of-the-art topologies. The claimed features are verified by implementing a prototype that converts 36 to 250V.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics
Publication statusPublished - 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • coupled inductor
  • high step-up converter
  • zero current switching
  • Zero voltage switching


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