A Fully Coupled Time-Domain BEM-FEM Method for the Prediction of Symmetric Hydroelastic Responses of Ships with Forward Speed

Tushar Kanti Show, Spyros Hirdaris*, Ranadev Datta*

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This paper presents a direct time-domain method for the prediction of symmetric hydroelastic responses of ships progressing with forward speed in small amplitude waves. A transient time-domain free surface Green function is used for the idealisation of the seakeeping problem using an Earth fixed coordinate system. Free surface ship hydrodynamics are idealised in the time domain by a Green function, and forward speed effects are idealised by a space-state model. Modal actions are accounted for by Timoshenko beam structural dynamics. Flexible fluid structure interaction (FFSI) coupling is enabled by a body boundary condition, and a direct integration Newmark-β scheme is used to obtain symmetric dynamic responses. The method is validated against available published numerical and experimental results. A parametric study for different container ship hull forms confirms that (i) forward speed effects should be taken under consideration as far as practically possible and (ii) hull flexibility effects accounting for hull shear deformation and rotary inertia are more notable for slender hull forms.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4564769
Number of pages18
JournalShock and Vibration
Publication statusPublished - 8 Mar 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Hydroelasticity of ships
  • Time domain simulation
  • Fluid structure interactions (FSI)
  • Ship design


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