A concept for collaborative and integrative process for cruise ship concept design: from vision to design by using double design spiral

Marjo Keiramo, E. K. Heikkilä, M. L. Jokinen, Jani Romanoff

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


In the cruise ship building industry, new product innovation has become increasingly challenging, driving companies jointly to create and implement smarter operation models to stay competitive. A collaborative innovation model amended by a collaborative leadership process is one way to meet this challenge. It is expected that this model would produce more opportunities to lead complex architectural design, technical development and new innovation projects by intertwining work streams and breaking silos. This paper, describes preliminary ideas for the development of a ‘fit for purpose’-driven collaborative innovation model created for cruise ship conceptual process. This model synchronizes human and technical systems of innovation processes. The human system analyzes innovative thinking, partnership culture and leadership in the context of collaborative innovation process. The technical system focuses on architectural and technical aspects of new product design in a disciplined and structured manner. To research the development process, actions in innovation workshops will be documented and examined by ethnographic observations; the social network analysis will produce information on social and communication structures. In addition, in depth interviews will bring understanding of the stakeholders’ prerequisites, expectations on gains, enablers and obstacles of sharing, open communication and building a joint partnership culture and a distributed way of leading. Outcomes and effects of the innovation process will be evaluated by interviews and questionnaires for the stakeholder groups. The research methods will mainly be qualitative descriptive methods and a case study of a specific development process. © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMarine Design XIII : 13th International Marine Design Conference
EditorsPentti Kujala, Liangliang Lu
PublisherTaylor & Francis
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-429-44053-3
ISBN (Print)978-1-138-54187-0, 978-1-138-34069-5
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2018
MoE publication typeA4 Conference publication
EventInternational Marine Design Conference - Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland
Duration: 10 Jun 201814 Jun 2018
Conference number: 13


ConferenceInternational Marine Design Conference
Abbreviated titleIMDC
Internet address


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