5 - Biobutanol from agricultural residues: Technology and economics

Pranhita R. Nimbalkar, Manisha A. Khedkar, Prakash V. Chavan, Sandip B. Bankar

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


More stringent legislation on CO2 emission and climate change has forced us to explore bio-based alternative fuel resources. On the other hand, waste management is nowadays a critical and challenging task all around the world. Hence, sustainable utilization of biowaste to produce value-added bioproducts is imperative. Biobutanol is a potential biofuel that can be produced from low-cost second-generation feedstocks via fermentation. The present chapter summarizes the different types of wastes, mainly from agricultural streams, and highlights their potential in developing advanced biofuels (biobutanol). The technological barriers in biobutanol production, along with feasible solutions through process engineering viewpoint, are also discussed in this chapter. Furthermore, research activities linked to the economic viability of large-scale ABE (acetone-butanol- ethanol) fermentation processes are reviewed with due emphasis on various feedstocks, Clostridial cultures, and process designs. Overall, this chapter inculcates sustainable ways to boost agribusiness by valorizing agricultural waste products into next-generation biofuels.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances and Developments in Biobutanol Production
EditorsJuan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez, Shuvashish Behera, Eduardo Sanchez-Ramirez
PublisherWoodhead Publishing
Number of pages31
ISBN (Print)978-0-323-91178-8
Publication statusPublished - 2023
MoE publication typeA3 Book section, Chapters in research books

Publication series

NameAdvances in Pollution Research


  • ABE fermentation
  • Agricultural waste
  • Biobutanol
  • Economics
  • Lignocellulose


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