סינתזה בין אמנות למדע כאמצעי להגברת אמפתיה בין קבוצתית: Art-Sience synthesis as a way to increase intergroup empathy

Einat Amir

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperProfessional


Einat Amir will discuss the joint work of artists and scientists as a tool for social change and will describe her ongoing collaboration with social psychologist Dr. Yossi Hasson.
In recent years, Amir and Hasson have created a unique hybrid model that combines participatory performance and experiments in social psychology, and explores the ways in which empathy towards minority groups in different societies can be increased. These projects are presented as shows to audiences of hundreds around the world. The audience participates in a show and psychological experiments on the subject of empathy and undergoes an educational process that contributes to social change. The data from these experimental demonstrations are used to understand different biases in intergroup empathy and contribute to raising the level of empathy in daily life.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusSubmitted - 10 Jun 2021
MoE publication typeNot Eligible
EventArtistic research with and through art: local possibilities and challenges - Haifa University, Haifa, Israel
Duration: 10 Jun 202110 Jun 2021


ConferenceArtistic research with and through art
Internet address

Field of art

  • Performance


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