Order in chaos: 2-dimensional materials for higher-complexity neuromorphic computation

Project Details


For future applications such as IoT, we need to process a huge amount of data in which our normal computers are not very efficient. One of the best solutions is to imitate human brain and make new type of computers. Neuromorphic computers will be far more superior to conventional computers in data processing efficiency and speed. For instance, these computers will consume 100000 times less power than our normal computers. In this project, we contribute on advancement of neuromorphic computers by introducing a new class of materials. We will fabricate a reservoir computing (RC) system based on 2-Dimensional materials. And examine its potential and optimize its performance for pattern recognition. RC is a unique data processing technology and building a single material-based RC with high efficiency will be a key advance for neuromorphic computing.
Effective start/end date01/09/202331/08/2027


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