Project Details


SuperTextil aims to produce multi-functional conductive bio-based fabrics through an eco-friendly, and scalable graphene-based coating without using any metals and unsafe chemicals. The target is to achieve good tensile strength, hydrophobicity, fire retardancy, and electrical heating properties. SuperTextil will advance the scientific field and open doors of opportunity to fabricate the next generation of high value-added bio-products including washable smart textiles with built-in sensors. SuperTextil multidisciplinary research engages experts in material science, chemistry, and physics to develop multi-functional biomaterials and conduct theoretical modeling to explore various properties and potential applications. The researchers are aiming to apply for external funding based on their successful preliminary results after two years. The project can be commercialized by transferring the know-how or patent to interested companies or a spin-off company from Aalto.
StatusNot started


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