Tuomas Savolainen
  • Phone+358 50 3083696
  • Metsahovi Radio Observatory Metsahovintie 114


Research activity per year

Search results

  • 2017

    Linear polarization properties of parsec-scale AGN jets

    Pushkarev, A. B., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Savolainen, T., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D. & Hodge, M. A., 1 Dec 2017, In: Galaxies. 5, 4, 93.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Citations (Scopus)
    181 Downloads (Pure)
  • MOJAVE - XIV. Shapes and opening angles of AGN jets

    Pushkarev, A. B., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L. & Savolainen, T., Jul 2017, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 468, 4, p. 4992-5003 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    147 Citations (Scopus)
    232 Downloads (Pure)
  • Multiwavelength observations of the blazar BL Lacertae: A new fast TeV γ-ray flare

    Feng, Q., Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Lister, M. L., Kovalev, Y. Y., Pushkarev, A. B., Savolainen, T., Agudo, I., Molina, S. N., Gomez, J. L., Larionov, V. M., Borman, G. A., Mokrushina, A. A. & Smith, P. S., 2017, In: Proceedings of Science. Part F135186, 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    39 Downloads (Pure)
  • Probing the innermost regions of AGN jets and their magnetic fields with RadioAstron: II. Observations of 3C 273 at minimum activity

    Bruni, G., Gómez, J. L., Casadio, C., Lobanov, A., Kovalev, Y. Y., Sokolovsky, K. V., Lisakov, M. M., Bach, U., Marscher, A., Jorstad, S., Anderson, J. M., Krichbaum, T. P., Savolainen, T., Vega-García, L., Fuentes, A., Zensus, J. A., Alberdi, A., Lee, S.-S., Lu, R.-S. & Pérez-Torres, M. & 1 others, Ros, E., 2017, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 604, 9 p., A111.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    28 Citations (Scopus)
    271 Downloads (Pure)
  • RadioAstron Science Program Five Years after Launch: Main Science Results

    Kardashev, N. S., Alakoz, A. V., Andrianov, A. S., Artyukhov, M. I., Baan, W., Babyshkin, V. E., Bartel, N., Bayandina, O. S., Val’tts, I. E., Voitsik, P. A., Vorobyov, A. Z., Gwinn, C., Gomez, J. L., Giovannini, G., Jauncey, D., Johnson, M., Imai, H., Kovalev, Y. Y., Kurtz, S. E. & Lisakov, M. M. & 19 others, Lobanov, A. P., Molodtsov, V. A., Novikov, B. S., Pogodin, A. V., Popov, M. V., Privesenzev, A. S., Rudnitski, A. G., Rudnitski, G. M., Savolainen, T., Smirnova, T. V., Sobolev, A. M., Soglasnov, V. A., Sokolovsky, K. V., Filippova, E. N., Khartov, V. V., Churikova, M. E., Shirshakov, A. E., Shishov, V. I. & Edwards, P., 1 Dec 2017, In: Solar System Research. 51, 7, p. 535-554 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    28 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2016

    Discovery of off-axis jet structure of TeV blazar Mrk 501 with mm-VLBI

    Koyama, S., Kino, M., Giroletti, M., Doi, A., Giovannini, G., Orienti, M., Hada, K., Ros, E., Niinuma, K., Nagai, H., Savolainen, T., Krichbaum, T. P. & Pérez-Torres, M., 1 Feb 2016, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 586, 10 p., A113.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    11 Citations (Scopus)
    184 Downloads (Pure)
  • Erratum: Mojave. X. Parsec-scale jet orientation variations and superluminal motion in active galactic nuclei (Astronomical Journal (2013) 146 (120))

    Lister, M. L., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D., Homan, D. C., Kellermann, K. I., Kovalev, Y. Y., Pushkarev, A. B., Richards, J. L., Ros, E. & Savolainen, T., 1 May 2016, 2 p. American Astronomical Society.

    Research output: Other contributionScientificpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • Insights into the emission of the blazar 1ES 1011+496 through unprecedented broadband observations during 2011 and 2012

    Aleksić, J., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Antoranz, P., Arcaro, C., Babic, A., Bangale, P., Barres De Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Biasuzzi, B., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bretz, T. & Carmona, E. & 144 others, Carosi, A., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Caneva, G., De Lotto, B., De Oña Wilhelmi, E., Delgado Mendez, C., Di Pierro, F., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Eisenacher, D., Elsaesser, D., Fernández-Barral, A., Fidalgo, D., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Frantzen, K., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Garrido Terrats, D., Gaug, M., Godinović, N., González Muñoz, A., Gozzini, S. R., Hadasch, D., Hanabata, Y., Hayashida, M., Herrera, J., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Idec, W., Kadenius, V., Kellermann, H., Knoetig, M. L., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Krause, J., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., La Barbera, A., Lelas, D., Lewandowska, N., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Coto, R., López-Oramas, A., Lorenz, E., Lozano, I., Makariev, M., Mallot, K., Maneva, G., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Marcote, B., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo, A., Munar-Adrover, P., Nakajima, D., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Orito, R., Overkemping, A., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Paredes-Fortuny, X., Persic, M., Poutanen, J., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Reinthal, R., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Rodriguez Garcia, J., Saito, T., Saito, K., Satalecka, K., Scalzotto, V., Scapin, V., Schweizer, T., Shore, S. N., Sillanpää, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Stamerra, A., Steinbring, T., Strzys, M., Takalo, L., Takami, H., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Thaele, J., Torres, D. F., Toyama, T., Treves, A., Vogler, P., Will, M., Zanin, R., Buson, S., D'Ammando, F., Lähteenmäki, A., Hovatta, T., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Max-Moerbeck, W., Mundell, C., Pushkarev, A. B., Rastorgueva-Foi, E., Readhead, A. C. S., Richards, J. L., Tammi, J., Sanchez, D. A., Tornikoski, M., Savolainen, T. & Steele, I., 2016, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 591, 14 p., A10.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    14 Citations (Scopus)
    162 Downloads (Pure)

    Lister, M. L., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D., Homan, D. C., Kellermann, K. I., Kovalev, Y. Y., Pushkarev, A. B., Richards, J. L., Ros, E. & Savolainen, T., 1 Jul 2016, In: Astronomical Journal. 152, 1, p. 1-16 16 p., 12.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    218 Citations (Scopus)
    358 Downloads (Pure)
  • Polarization angle swings in blazars: The case of 3C 279

    Kiehlmann, S., Savolainen, T., Jorstad, S. G., Sokolovsky, K. V., Schinzel, F. K., Marscher, A. P., Larionov, V. M., Agudo, I., Akitaya, H., Benítez, E., Berdyugin, A., Blinov, D. A., Bochkarev, N. G., Borman, G. A., Burenkov, A. N., Casadio, C., Doroshenko, V. T., Efimova, N. V., Fukazawa, Y. & Gómez, J. L. & 44 others, Grishina, T. S., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Heidt, J., Hiriart, D., Itoh, R., Joshi, M., Kawabata, K. S., Kimeridze, G. N., Kopatskaya, E. N., Korobtsev, I. V., Krajci, T., Kurtanidze, O. M., Kurtanidze, S. O., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Lindfors, E., López, J. M., McHardy, I. M., Molina, S. N., Moritani, Y., Morozova, D. A., Nazarov, S. V., Nikolashvili, M. G., Nilsson, K., Pulatova, N. G., Reinthal, R., Sadun, A., Sasada, M., Savchenko, S. S., Sergeev, S. G., Sigua, L. A., Smith, P. S., Sorcia, M., Spiridonova, O. I., Takaki, K., Takalo, L. O., Taylor, B., Troitsky, I. S., Uemura, M., Ugolkova, L. S., Ui, T., Yoshida, M., Zensus, J. A. & Zhdanova, V. E., 28 Apr 2016, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 590, 20 p., 27725.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    73 Citations (Scopus)
    165 Downloads (Pure)
  • The Connection between the Radio Jet and the γ-ray Emission in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 and the Blazar CTA 102

    Casadio, C., Gómez, J., Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Grandi, P., Larionov, V. M., Lister, M., Smith, P. S., Gurwell, M. A., Lähteenmäki, A., Agudo, I., Molina, S. N., Bala, V., Joshi, M., Taylor, B., Williamson, K. E., Kovalev, Y., Savolainen, T., Pushkarev, A. B. & Arkharov, A. A. & 16 others, Blinov, D. A., Borman, G. A., Di Paola, A., Grishina, T. S., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Itoh, R., Kopatskaya, E. N., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Morozova, D., Rastorgueva-Foi, E., Sergeev, S. G., Tornikoski, M., Troitsky, I., Thum, C. & Wiesemeyer, H., 27 Sept 2016, In: Galaxies. 4, 4, 9 p., 34.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Citations (Scopus)
    257 Downloads (Pure)
  • The LOFT mission concept: a status update

    Feroci, M., Bozzo, E., Brandt, S., Hernanz, M., van der Klis, M., Liu, L.-P., Orleanski, P., Pohl, M., Santangelo, A., Schanne, S., Stella, L., Takahashi, T., Tamura, H., Watts, A., Wilms, J., Zane, S., Zhang, S.-N., Bhattacharyya, S., Agudo, I. & Ahangarianabhari, M. & 445 others, Albertus, C., Alford, M., Alpar, A., Altamirano, D., Alvarez, L., Amati, L., Amoros, C., Andersson, N., Antonelli, A., Argan, A., Artigue, R., Artigues, B., Atteia, J.-L., Azzarello, P., Bakala, P., Ballantyne, D., Baldazzi, G., Baldo, M., Balman, S., Barbera, M., van Baren, C., Barret, D., Baykal, A., Begelman, M., Behar, E., Behar, O., Belloni, T., Bernardini, F., Bertuccio, G., Bianchi, S., Bianchini, A., Binko, P., Blay, P., Bocchino, F., Bode, M., Bodin, P., Bombaci, I., Bonnet Bidaud, J.-M., Boutloukos, S., Bouyjou, F., Bradley, L., Braga, J., Briggs, M. S., Brown, E., Buballa, M., Bucciantini, N., Burderi, L., Burgay, M., Bursa, M., Budtz-Jørgensen, C., Cackett, E., Cadoux, F., Cais, P., Caliandro, G. A., Campana, R., Campana, S., Cao, X., Capitanio, F., Casares, J., Casella, P., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Cavazzuti, E., Cavechi, Y., Celestin, S., Cerda-Duran, P., Chakrabarty, D., Chamel, N., Château, F., Chen, C., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Chenevez, J., Chernyakova, M., Coker, J., Cole, R., Collura, A., Coriat, M., Cornelisse, R., Costamante, L., Cros, A., Cui, W., Cumming, A., Cusumano, G., Czerny, B., D'Aı, A., D'Ammando, F., D'Elia, V., Dai, Z., Del Monte, E., De Luca, A., De Martino, D., Dercksen, J. P. C., De Pasquale, M., De Rosa, A., Del Santo, M., Di Cosimo, S., Degenaar, N., den Herder, J. W., Diebold, S., Di Salvo, T., Dong, Y., Donnarumma, I., Doroshenko, V., Doyle, G., Drake, S. A., Durant, M., Emmanoulopoulos, D., Enoto, T., Erkut, M. H., Esposito, P., Evangelista, Y., Fabian, A., Falanga, M., Favre, Y., Feldman, C., Fender, R., Feng, H., Ferrari, V., Ferrigno, C., Finger, M., Finger, M. H., Fraser, G. W., Frericks, M., Fullekrug, M., Fuschino, F., Gabler, M., Galloway, D. K., Gálvez Sanchez, J. L., Gandhi, P., Gao, Z., Garcia-Berro, E., Gendre, B., Gevin, O., Gezari, S., Giles, A. B., Gilfanov, M., Giommi, P., Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M., Gogus, E., Goldwurm, A., Goluchová, K., Götz, D., Gou, L., Gouiffes, C., Grandi, P., Grassi, M., Greiner, J., Grinberg, V., Groot, P., Gschwender, M., Gualtieri, L., Guedel, M., Guidorzi, C., Guy, L., Haas, D., Haensel, P., Hailey, M., Hamuguchi, K., Hansen, F., Hartmann, D. H., Haswell, C. A., Hebeler, K., Heger, A., Hempel, M., Hermsen, W., Homan, J., Hornstrup, A., Hudec, R., Huovelin, J., Huppenkothen, D., Inam, S. C., Ingram, A., In't Zand, J. J. M., Israel, G., Iwasawa, K., Izzo, L., Jacobs, H. M., Jetter, F., Johannsen, T., Jenke, P. A., Jonker, P., Josè, J., Kaaret, P., Kalamkar, K., Kalemci, E., Kanbach, G., Karas, V., Karelin, D., Kataria, D., Keek, L., Kennedy, T., Klochkov, D., Kluzniak, W., Koerding, E., Kokkotas, K., Komossa, S., Korpela, S., Kouveliotou, C., Kowalski, A. F., Kreykenbohm, I., Kuiper, L. M., Kunneriath, D., Kurkela, A., Kuvvetli, I., La Franca, F., Labanti, C., Lai, D., Lamb, F. K., Lachaud, C., Laubert, P. P., Lebrun, F., Li, X., Liang, E., Limousin, O., Lin, D., Linares, M., Linder, D., Lodato, G., Longo, F., Lu, F., Lund, N., Maccarone, T. J., Macera, D., Maestre, S., Mahmoodifar, S., Maier, D., Malcovati, P., Malzac, J., Malone, C., Mandel, I., Mangano, V., Manousakis, A., Marelli, M., Margueron, J., Marisaldi, M., Markoff, S. B., Markowitz, A., Marinucci, A., Martindale, A., Martínez, G., McHardy, I. M., Medina-Tanco, G., Mehdipour, M., Melatos, A., Mendez, M., Mereghetti, S., Migliari, S., Mignani, R., Michalska, M., Mihara, T., Miller, M. C., Miller, J. M., Mineo, T., Miniutti, G., Morsink, S., Motch, C., Motta, S., Mouchet, M., Mouret, G., Mulačová, J., Muleri, F., Muñoz-Darias, T., Negueruela, I., Neilsen, J., Neubert, T., Norton, A. J., Nowak, M., Nucita, A., O'Brien, P., Oertel, M., Olsen, P. E. H., Orienti, M., Orio, M., Orlandini, M., Osborne, J. P., Osten, R., Ozel, F., Pacciani, L., Paerels, F., Paltani, S., Paolillo, M., Papadakis, I., Papitto, A., Paragi, Z., Paredes, J. M., Patruno, A., Paul, B., Pederiva, F., Perinati, E., Pellizzoni, A., Penacchioni, A. V., Peretz, U., Perez, M. A., Perez-Torres, M., Peterson, B. M., Petracek, V., Pittori, C., Pons, J., Portell, J., Possenti, A., Postnov, K., Poutanen, J., Prakash, M., Prandoni, I., Le Provost, H., Psaltis, D., Pye, J., Qu, J., Rambaud, D., Ramon, P., Ramsay, G., Rapisarda, M., Rashevski, A., Rashevskaya, I., Ray, P. S., Rea, N., Reddy, S., Reig, P., Reina Aranda, M., Remillard, R., Reynolds, C., Rezzolla, L., Ribo, M., de la Rie, R., Riggio, A., Rios, A., Rischke, D. H., Rodríguez-Gil, P., Rodriguez, J., Rohlfs, R., Romano, P., Rossi, E. M. R., Rozanska, A., Rousseau, A., Rudak, B., Russell, D. M., Ryde, F., Sabau-Graziati, L., Sakamoto, T., Sala, G., Salvaterra, R., Salvetti, D., Sanna, A., Sandberg, J., Savolainen, T., Scaringi, S., Schaffner-Bielich, J., Schatz, H., Schee, J., Schmid, C., Serino, M., Shakura, N., Shore, S., Schnittman, J. D., Schneider, R., Schwenk, A., Schwope, A. D., Sedrakian, A., Seyler, J.-Y., Shearer, A., Slowikowska, A., Sims, M., Smith, A., Smith, D. M., Smith, P. J., Sobolewska, M., Sochora, V., Soffitta, P., Soleri, P., Song, L., Spencer, A., Stamerra, A., Stappers, B., Staubert, R., Steiner, A. W., Stergioulas, N., Stevens, A. L., Stratta, G., Strohmayer, T. E., Stuchlik, Z., Suchy, S., Suleimanov, V., Tamburini, F., Tauris, T., Tavecchio, F., Tenzer, C., Thielemann, F. K., Tiengo, A., Tolos, L., Tombesi, F., Tomsick, J., Torok, G., Torrejon, J. M., Torres, D. F., Torresi, E., Tramacere, A., Traulsen, I., Trois, A., Turolla, R., Turriziani, S., Typel, S., Uter, P., Uttley, P., Vacchi, A., Varniere, P., Vaughan, S., Vercellone, S., Vietri, M., Vincent, F. H., Vrba, V., Walton, D., Wang, J., Wang, Z., Watanabe, S., Wawrzaszek, R., Webb, N., Weinberg, N., Wende, H., Wheatley, P., Wijers, R., Wijnands, R., Wille, M., Wilson-Hodge, C. A., Winter, B., Walk, S. J., Wood, K., Woosley, S. E., Wu, X., Xu, R., Yu, W., Yuan, F., Yuan, W., Yuan, Y., Zampa, G., Zampa, N., Zampieri, L., Zdunik, L., Zdziarski, A., Zech, A., Zhang, B., Zhang, C., Zhang, S., Zingale, M. & Zwart, F., 25 Jul 2016, In: Proceedings of SPIE : the International Society for Optical Engineering. 9905

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    24 Downloads (Pure)
  • XIPE: The X-ray imaging polarimetry explorer

    Soffitta, P., Bellazzini, R., Bozzo, E., Burwitz, V., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Costa, E., Courvoisier, T., Feng, H., Gburek, S., Goosmann, R., Karas, V., Matt, G., Muleri, F., Nandra, K., Pearce, M., Poutanen, J., Reglero, V., Sabau Maria, D., Santangelo, A. & Tagliaferri, G. & 403 others, Tenzer, C., Vink, J., Weisskopf, M. C., Zane, S., Agudo, I., Antonelli, A., Attina, P., Baldini, L., Bykov, A., Carpentiero, R., Cavazzuti, E., Churazov, E., Del Monte, E., De Martino, D., Donnarumma, I., Doroshenko, V., Evangelista, Y., Ferreira, I., Gallo, E., Grosso, N., Kaaret, P., Kuulkers, E., Laranaga, J., Latronico, L., Lumb, D. H., Macian, J., Malzac, J., Marin, F., Massaro, E., Minuti, M., Mundell, C., Ness, J. U., Oosterbroek, T., Paltani, S., Pareschi, G., Perna, R., Petrucci, P. O., Pinazo, H. B., Pinchera, M., Rodriguez, J. P., Roncadelli, M., Santovincenzo, A., Sazonov, S., Sgro, C., Spiga, D., Svoboda, J., Theobald, C., Theodorou, T., Turolla, R., Wilhelmi De Ona, E., Winter, B., Akbar, A. M., Allan, H., Aloisio, R., Altamirano, D., Amati, L., Amato, E., Angelakis, E., Arezu, J., Atteia, J. L., Axelsson, M., Bachetti, M., Ballo, L., Balman, S., Bandiera, R., Barcons, X., Basso, S., Baykal, A., Becker, W., Behar, E., Beheshtipour, B., Belmont, R., Berger, E., Bernardini, F., Bianchi, S., Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G., Blasi, P., Blay, P., Bodaghee, A., Boer, M., Boettcher, M., Bogdanov, S., Bombaci, I., Bonino, R., Braga, J., Brandt, W., Brez, A., Bucciantini, N., Burderi, L., Caiazzo, I., Campana, R., Campana, S., Capitanio, F., Cappi, M., Cardillo, M., Casella, P., Catmabacak, O., Cenko, B., Cerda-Duran, P., Cerruti, C., Chaty, S., Chauvin, M., Chen, Y., Chenevez, J., Chernyakova, M., Cheung Teddy, C. C., Christodoulou, D., Connell, P., Corbet, R., Coti Zelati, F., Covino, S., Cui, W., Cusumano, G., D'Ai, A., D'Ammando, F., Dadina, M., Dai, Z., De Rosa, A., De Ruvo, L., Degenaar, N., Del Santo, M., Del Zanna, L., Dewangan, G., Di Cosimo, S., Di Lalla, N., Di Persio, G., Di Salvo, T., Dias, T., Done, C., Dovciak, M., Doyle, G., Ducci, L., Elsner, R., Enoto, T., Escada, J., Esposito, P., Eyles, C., Fabiani, S., Falanga, M., Falocco, S., Fan, Y., Fender, R., Feroci, M., Ferrigno, C., Forman, W., Foschini, L., Fragile, C., Fuerst, F., Fujita, Y., Gasent-Blesa, J. L., Gelfand, J., Gendre, B., Ghirlanda, G., Ghisellini, G., Giroletti, M., Goetz, D., Gogus, E., Gomez, J. L., Gonzalez, D., Gonzalez-Riestra, R., Gotthelf, E., Gou, L., Grandi, P., Grinberg, V., Grise, F., Guidorzi, C., Gurlebeck, N., Guver, T., Haggard, D., Hardcastle, M., Hartmann, D., Haswell, C., Heger, A., Hernanz, M., Heyl, J., Ho, L., Hoormann, J., Horak, J., Huovelin, J., Huppenkothen, D., Iaria, R., Inam Sitki, C., Ingram, A., Israel, G., Izzo, L., Burgess, M., Jackson, M., Ji, L., Ji, L., Jiang, J., Johannsen, T., Jones, C., Jorstad, S., Kajava, J. J. E., Kalamkar, M., Kalemci, E., Kallman, T., Kamble, A., Kislat, F., Kiss, M., Klochkov, D., Koerding, E., Kolehmainen, M., Koljonen, K., Komossa, S., Kong, A., Korpela, S., Kowalinski, M., Krawczynski, H., Kreykenbohm, I., Kuss, M., Lai, D., Lan, M., Larsson, J., Laycock, S., Lazzati, D., Leahy, D., Li, H., Li, J., Li, L. X., Li, T., Li, Z., Linares, M., Lister, M., Liu, H., Lodato, G., Lohfink, A., Longo, F., Luna, G., Lutovinov, A., Mahmoodifar, S., Maia, J., Mainieri, V., Maitra, C., Maitra, D., Majczyna, A., Maldera, S., Malyshev, D., Manfreda, A., Manousakis, A., Manuel, R., Margutti, R., Marinucci, A., Markoff, S., Marscher, A., Marshall, H., Massaro, F., McLaughlin, M., Medina-Tanco, G., Mehdipour, M., Middleton, M., Mignani, R., Mimica, P., Mineo, T., Mingo, B., Miniutti, G., Mirac, S. M., Morlino, G., Motlagh, A. V., Motta, S. E., Mushtukov, A., Nagataki, S., Nardini, F., Nattila, J., Navarro, G. J., Negri, B., Negro, M., Nenonen, S., Neustroev, V., Nicastro, F., Norton, A., Nucita, A., O'Brien, P., O'Dell, S., Odaka, H., Olmi, B., Omodei, N., Orienti, M., Orlandini, M., Osborne, J., Pacciani, L., Paliya, V. S., Papadakis, I., Papitto, A., Paragi, Z., Pascal, P., Paul, B., Pavan, L., Pellizzoni, A., Perinati, E., Pesce-Rollins, M., Piconcelli, E., Pili, A. G., Pilia, M., Pohl, M., Ponti, G., Porquet, D., Possenti, A., Postnov, K., Prandoni, I., Produit, N., Puehlhofer, G., Ramsey, B., Razzano, M., Rea, N., Reig, P., Reinsch, K., Reiprich, T., Reynolds, M., Risaliti, G., Roberts, T., Rodriguez, J., Rossi, M. E., Rosswog, S., Rozanska, A., Rubini, A., Rudak, B., Russell, D., Ryde, F., Sabatini, S., Sala, G., Salvati, M., Sasaki, M., Savolainen, T., Saxton, R., Scaringi, S., Schawinski, K., Schulz, N. S., Schwope, A., Severgnini, P., Sharon, M., Shaw, A., Shearer, A., Shesheng, X., Shih, I. C., Silva, K., Silva, R., Silver, E., Smale, A., Spada, F., Spandre, G., Stamerra, A., Stappers, B., Starrfield, S., Stawarz, L., Stergioulas, N., Stevens, A., Stiele, H., Suleimanov, V., Sunyaev, R., Slowikowska, A., Tamborra, F., Tavecchio, F., Taverna, R., Tiengo, A., Tolos, L., Tombesi, F., Tomsick, J., Tong, H., Torok, G., Torres, D. F., Tortosa, A., Tramacere, A., Trimble, V., Trinchieri, G., Tsygankov, S., Tuerler, M., Turriziani, S., Ursini, F., Uttley, P., Varniere, P., Vincent, F., Vurgun, E., Wang, C., Wang, Z., Watts, A., Wheeler, J. C., Wiersema, K., Wijnands, R., Wilms, J., Wolter, A., Wood, K., Wu, K., Wu, X., Xiangyu, W., Xie, F., Xu, R., Yan, S. P., Yang, J., Yu, W., Yuan, F., Zajczyk, A., Zanetti, D., Zanin, R., Zanni, C., Zappacosta, L., Zdziarski, A. A., Zech, A., Zhang, H., Zhang, S., Zhang, S., Zhang, W. & Zoghbi, A., 2016, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray. den Herder, J.-W. A., Takahashi, T. & Bautz, M. (eds.). SPIE, Vol. 9905. 20 p. 990515. (Proceedings of SPIE : the International Society for Optical Engineering; no. 9905).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    13 Citations (Scopus)
    153 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2015

    From radio to TeV: the surprising spectral energy distribution of AP Librae

    Sanchez, D. A., Giebels, B., Fortin, P., Horan, D., Szostek, A., Fegan, S., Baczko, A.-K., Finke, J., Kadler, M. L., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Pushkarev, A. B. & Savolainen, T., 2015, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 454, 3, p. 3229--3239

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Citations (Scopus)
    241 Downloads (Pure)
  • Kysymyksiä & vastauksia: Mitä kaikkea muuta kuin valoa tähtitieteilijät havaitsevat tulevan avaruudesta?

    Savolainen, T., Jul 2015, In: Tähdet ja Avaruus. 2015, 5, p. 57-57 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleGeneral public

  • Kysymyksiä & vastauksia: Mitä teleskoopeilta jää näkemättä?

    Savolainen, T., Mar 2015, In: Tähdet ja Avaruus. 2015, 2, p. 52-52 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleGeneral public

  • MOJAVE: XII. Acceleration and Collimation of Blazar Jets on Parsec Scales

    Homan, D. C., Lister, M. L., Kovalev, Y. Y., Pushkarev, A. B., Savolainen, T., Kellermann, K. I., Richards, J. L. & Ros, E., 2015, In: The Astrophysical Journal. 798, 2, p. 134

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    90 Citations (Scopus)
    340 Downloads (Pure)
  • On the location of the supermassive black hole in CTA 102

    Fromm, C. M., Perucho, M., Ros, E., Savolainen, T. & Zensus, J. A., 2015, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 576, 1, p. p. A43

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    19 Citations (Scopus)
    174 Downloads (Pure)
  • Opening angles and shapes of parsec-scale AGN jets

    Pushkarev,  ., Lister,  ., Kovalev,  . & Savolainen,  ., 2015, 12th European VLBI Network Symposium, Cagliari, Italy, Oct 2014. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), 4 p. 104. (Proceedings of Science).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    87 Downloads (Pure)
  • Studies of the Jet in BL Lacertae.II.Superluminal Alfvén Waves

    Cohen, M. H., Meier, D. L., Arshakian, T. G., Clausen-Brown, E., Homan, D. C., Hovatta, T., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Pushkarev, A. B., Richards, J. L. & Savolainen, T., 2015, In: The Astrophysical Journal. 803, 1, p. 3

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    38 Citations (Scopus)
    365 Downloads (Pure)
  • The Connection between the Radio Jet and the Gamma-ray Emission in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120

    Casadio, C., Gómez, J. L., Grandi, P., Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Lister, M. L., Kovalev, Y. Y., Savolainen, T. & Pushkarev, A. B., 2015, In: The Astrophysical Journal. 808, 2, 162.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    37 Citations (Scopus)
    421 Downloads (Pure)
  • The innermost regions of relativistic jets and their magnetic fields in radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei

    Donnarumma, I., Agudo, I., Costamante, L., D'Ammando, F., Giovannini, G., Giommi, P., Giroletti, M., Grandi, P., Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Orienti, M., Pacciani, L., Savolainen, T., Stamerra, A., Tavecchio, F., Torresi, E., Tramacere, A., Turriziani, S., Vercellone, S. & Zech, A., 12 Jan 2015, 15 p.

    Research output: Working paperProfessional

    69 Downloads (Pure)
  • The Nuclear Structure of 3C84 with Space VLBI (RadioAstron) Observations

    Giovannini,  ., Orienti,  ., Savolainen,  ., Nagai,  ., Giroletti,  ., Hada,  ., Bruni,  ., Hodgson,  ., Honma,  ., Kino,  ., Kovalev,  ., Krichbaum,  ., Lee,  .-S., Lobanov,  ., Sohn,  ., Sokolovsky,  ., Voitsik,  . & Zensus,  .  ., 2015, 12th European VLBI Network Symposium, Cagliari, Italy, Oct 2014. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), 6 p. (Proceedings of Science).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
  • The off-axis jet structure in Mrk 501 at mm-wavelengths

    Koyama, S., Kino, M., Giroletti, M., Doi, A., Nagai, H., Hada, K., Niinuma, K., Orienti, M., Giovannini, G., Ros, E., Savolainen, T., Pérez-Torres, M. Á. & Krichbaum, T. P., 2015, Proceedings of the 12th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users Meeting (EVN 2014) . International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), 4 p. (POS Proceedings of Science).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

  • The parsec-scale structure, kinematics, and polarization of radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies

    Richards, J. L., Lister, M. L., Savolainen, T., Homan, D. C., Kadler, M., Hovatta, T., Readhead, A. C. S., Arshakian, T. G. & Chavushyan, V., 2015, Extragalactic jets from every angle, The International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium. p. 139-142 (IAU Symposium Proceedings Series; vol. 10, no. 313).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

  • 2014

    Dynamically important magnetic fields near accreting supermassive black holes

    Zamaninasab, M., Clausen-Brown, E., Savolainen, T. & Tchekhovskoy, A., 4 Jun 2014, In: Nature. 510, 7503, p. 126-128 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    225 Citations (Scopus)
  • Future mmVLBI Research with ALMA: A European vision

    Tilanus, R. P. J., Krichbaum, T. P., Zensus, J. A., Baudry, A., Bremer, M., Falcke, H., Giovannini, G., Laing, R., van Langevelde, H. J., Vlemmings, W., Abraham, Z., Afonso, J., Agudo, I., Alberdi, A., Alcolea, J., Altamirano, D., Asadi, S., Assaf, K., Augusto, P. & Baczko, A.-K. & 148 others, Boeck, M., Boller, T., Bondi, M., Boone, F., Bourda, G., Brajsa, R., Brand, J., Britzen, S., Bujarrabal, V., Cales, S., Casadio, C., Casasola, V., Castangia, P., Cernicharo, J., Charlot, P., Chemin, L., Clenet, Y., Colomer, F., Combes, F., Cordes, J., Coriat, M., Cross, N., D'Ammando, F., Dallacasa, D., Desmurs, J.-F., Eatough, R., Eckart, A., Eisenacher, D., Etoka, S., Felix, M., Fender, R., Ferreira, M., Freeland, E., Frey, S., Fromm, C., Fuhrmann, L., Gabanyi, K., Galvan-Madrid, R., Giroletti, M., Goddi, C., Gomez, J., Gourgoulhon, E., Gray, M., di Gregorio, I., Greimel, R., Grosso, N., Guirado, J., Hada, K., Hanslmeier, A., Henkel, C., Herpin, F., Hess, P., Hodgson, J., Horns, D., Humphreys, E., Hutawarakorn Kramer, B., Ilyushin, V., Impellizzeri, V., Ivanov, V., Julião, M., Kadler, M., Kerins, E., Klaassen, P., van 't Klooster, K., Kording, E., Kozlov, M., Kramer, M., Kreikenbohm, A., Kurtanidze, O., Lazio, J., Leite, A., Leitzinger, M., Lepine, J., Levshakov, S., Lico, R., Lindqvist, M., Liuzzo, E., Lobanov, A., Lucas, P., Mannheim, K., Marcaide, J., Markoff, S., Martí-Vidal, I., Martins, C., Masetti, N., Massardi, M., Menten, K., Messias, H., Migliari, S., Mignano, A., Miller-Jones, J., Minniti, D., Molaro, P., Molina, S., Monteiro, A., Moscadelli, L., Mueller, C., Müller, A., Muller, S., Niederhofer, F., Odert, P., Olofsson, H., Orienti, M., Paladino, R., Panessa, F., Paragi, Z., Paumard, T., Pedrosa, P., Pérez-Torres, M., Perrin, G., Perucho, M., Porquet, D., Prandoni, I., Ransom, S., Reimers, D., Rejkuba, M., Rezzolla, L., Richards, A., Ros, E., Roy, A., Rushton, A., Savolainen, T., Schulz, R., Silva, M., Sivakoff, G., Soria-Ruiz, R., Soria, R., Spaans, M., Spencer, R., Stappers, B., Surcis, G., Tarchi, A., Temmer, M., Thompson, M., Torrelles, J., Truestedt, J., Tudose, V., Venturi, T., Verbiest, J., Vieira, J., Vielzeuf, P., Vincent, F., Wex, N., Wiik, K., Wiklind, T., Wilms, J., Zackrisson, E. & Zechlin, H., 2014

    Research output: Other contributionScientific


    Hovatta, T., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D., Clausen-Brown, E., Homan, D. C., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Pushkarev, A. B. & Savolainen, T., 2014, In: Astronomical Journal. 147, 6, p. 000143

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    122 Citations (Scopus)
    430 Downloads (Pure)
  • Multifrequency Studies of the Peculiar Quasar 4C +21.35 during the 2010 Flaring Activity

    Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration & MAGIC Collaboration, 2014, In: The Astrophysical Journal. 786, 2, 17 p., 157.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    181 Downloads (Pure)
  • Studies of the Jet in Bl Lacertae. I .Recollimation Shock and Moving Emission Features

    Cohen, M. H., Meier, D. L., Arshakian, T. G., Homan, D. C., Hovatta, T., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Pushkarev, A. B., Richards, J. L. & Savolainen, T., 2014, In: Astronomical Journal. 787, p. 10

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    62 Citations (Scopus)
    385 Downloads (Pure)
  • The core shift effect in the blazar 3C 454.3

    Kutkin, A. M., Sokolovsky, K. V., Lisakov, M. M., Kovalev, Y. Y., Savolainen, T., Voytsik, P. A., Lobanov, A. P., Aller, H. D., Aller, M. F., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Volvach, A. E. & Volvach, L. N., 2014, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 437, p. 3396-3404

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    Open Access
    45 Citations (Scopus)
    266 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2013

    AGN jet physics and apparent opening angles

    Clausen-Brown, E., Savolainen, T., Pushkarev, A. B., Kovalev, Y. Y. & Lister, M. L., 2013, Proceedings of the 11th European VLBI Network Symposium & Users Meeting. 9-12 October, 2012. Bordeaux (France). In Proceedings of Science. Vol. PoS(11th EVN Symposium). 14

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

  • Analyzing polarization swings in 3C 279

    Kiehlmann, S., Savolainen, T., Jorstad, S. G., Sokolovsky, K. V., Schinzel, F. K., Agudo, I., Arkharov, A. A., Benítez, E., Berdyugin, A., Blinov, D. A., Bochkarev, N. G., Borman, G. A., Burenkov, A. N., Casadio, C., Doroshenko, V. T., Efimova, N. V., Fukazawa, Y., Gómez, J. L., Hagen-Thorn, V. A. & Heidt, J. & 36 others, Hiriart, D., Itoh, R., Joshi, M., Kimeridze, G. N., Konstantinova, T. S., Kopatskaya, E. N., Korobtsev, I. V., Kovalev, Y. Y., Krajci, T., Kurtanidze, O., Kurtanidze, S. O., Larionov, V. M., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Lindfors, E., López, E., Marscher, A. P., McHardy, I. M., Molina, S. N., Morozova, D. A., Nazarov, S. V., Nikolashvili, M. G., Nilsson, K., Pulatova, N. G., Reinthal, R., Sadun, A., Sergeev, S. G., Sigua, L. A., Sorcia, M., Spiridonova, O. I., Takalo, L. O., Taylor, B., Troitsky, I. S., Ugolkova, L. S., Zensus, J. A. & Zhdanova, V. E., 2013, EPJ Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, Vol. 61. 06003

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientific

  • An Exceptional Radio Flare in Markarian 421

    Richards, J. L., Hovatta, T., Lister, M. L., Readhead, A. C. S., Max-Moerbeck, W., Savolainen, T., Angelakis, E., Fuhrmann, L., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D., Myserlis, I. & Karamanavis, V., 2013, EPJ Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, Vol. 61. 04010

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientific

  • Catching the radio flare in CTA 102: III. Core-shift and spectral analysis

    Fromm, C. M., Ros, E., Perucho, M., Savolainen, T., Mimica, P., Kadler, M., Lobanov, A. P. & Zensus, J. A., 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 557, 31 p., A105.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

  • Catching the radio flare in CTA 102. II. VLBI kinematic analysis

    Fromm, C. M., Ros, E., Perucho, M., Savolainen, T., Mimica, P., Kadler, M., Lobanov, A. P., Lister, M. L., Kovalev, Y. Y. & Zensus, J. A., 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 551, A32.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

  • Causal connection in parsec-scale relativistic jets: results from the MOJAVE VLBI survey

    Clausen-Brown, E., Savolainen, T., Pushkarev, A. B., Kovalev, Y. Y. & Zensus, J. A., 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 558, 9 p., A144.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

  • Core-shift and spectral analysis of the 2006 radio flare in CTA102

    Fromm, C. M., Ros, E., Perucho, M., Savolainen, T., Mimica, P., Lobanov, A. P. & Zensus, J. A., 2013, Proceedings of the 11th European VLBI Network Symposium & Users Meeting. 9-12 October, 2012. Bordeaux (France). In Proceedings of Science. Vol. PoS(11th EVN Symposium). 64

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

  • Eine Detailaufnahme der schnellen Jets von supermassiven schwarzen Löchern

    Savolainen, T., 2013, In: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. 2013

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleGeneral public

  • Evidence for a large-scale helical magnetic field in the quasar 3C 454.3

    Zamaninasab, M., Savolainen, T., Clausen-Brown, E., Hovatta, T., Lister, M. L., Krichbaum, T. P., Kovalev, Y. Y. & Pushkarev, A. B., 2013, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 436, 4, p. 3341-3356 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

  • MOJAVE: X. Parsec-scale Jet Orientation Variations and Superluminal Motion in Active Galactic Nuclei

    Lister, M. L., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D., Homan, D. C., Kellermann, K. I., Kovalev, Y. Y., Pushkarev, A. B., Richards, J. L., Ros, E. & Savolainen, T., 2013, In: Astronomical Journal. 146, 5, 22 p., 120.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

  • The Aftermath of an Exceptional TeV Flare in the AGN Jet of IC 310

    Eisenacher, D., Colin, P., Lombardi, S., Sitarek, J., Zandanel, F., Prada, F., Linfors, E., Paneque, D., Elsässer, D., Mannheim, K., for the MAGIC Collaboration, Müller, C., for the Fermi-LAT Collaboration, Dauser, T., Krauß, F., Wilbert, S., Kadler, M., Wilms, J., Bach, U. & Ros, E. & 4 others, Hovatta, T., for the OVRO team, Savolainen, T. & for the MOJAVE team, 2013, Proceedings of the 33rd ICRC 2013, Rio de Janeiro. 336

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientific

  • The gamma-ray sky in the era of Fermi and Cherenkov telescopes

    Savolainen, T. & Lindfors, E., Dec 2013, In: European Astronomical Society Newsletter. 45, p. 10-10

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional

  • VLBA observations of a rare multiple quasar imaging event caused by refraction in the interstellar medium

    Pushkarev, A. B., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Hovatta, T., Savolainen, T., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D., Ros, E., Zensus, J. A., Richards, J. L., Max-Moerbeck, W. & Readhead, A. C. S., 2013, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 555, 13 p., A80.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

  • 2012

    Apparent parsec-scale jet opening angles and gamma-ray brightness of active galactic nuclei

    Pushkarev, A. B., Lister, M. L., Kovalev, Y. Y. & Savolainen, T., 2012, Fermi & Jansky Proceedings - eConf. Vol. C1111101. 4 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

  • Faraday rotation in the MOJAVE blazars: 3C 273 a case study

    Hovatta, T., Lister, M. L., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D., Homan, D. C., Kovalev, Y. Y., Pushkarev, A. B. & Savolainen, T., 2012, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 355, 1, 6 p., 012008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

  • Faraday rotation in the MOJAVE blazars: Connection with gamma-ray studies

    Hovatta, T., Lister, M. L., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D., Homan, D. C., Kovalev, Y. Y., Pushkarev, A. B. & Savolainen, T., 2012, Fermi & Jansky Proceedings - eConf. Vol. C1111101. 5 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

  • MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in Active galactic nuclei with VLBA Experiments: IX. Nuclear opacity

    Pushkarev, A. B., Hovatta, T., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Lobanov, A. P., Savolainen, T. & Zensus, J. A., 2012, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 545, 15 p., A113.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

  • MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments. VIII. Faraday Rotation in Parsec-scale AGN Jets

    Hovatta, T., Lister, M. L., Aller, M. F., Aller, H. D., Homan, D. C., Kovalev, Y. Y., Pushkarev, A. B. & Savolainen, T., 2012, In: Astronomical Journal. 144, 4, p. 105 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

  • Simulation of Shock-Shock Interaction in Parsec-Scale Jets

    Fromm, C. M., Perucho, M., Ros, E., Mimica, P., Savolainen, T., Lobanov, A. P. & Zensus, J. A., 2012, In: International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series. 8, p. 323-326 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

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