12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Pirjo Peippo-Lavikka with the persons below:
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Dmitrii Ingi
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation - Doctoral Researcher
- School common, ELEC
- Industrial and Power Electronics - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Jere Lehtinen
- Department of Industrial Engineering and Management - Visitor (Faculty)
Person: Visiting Scholar
Karlos Artto
Person: Professors, tenure track
Petri Kangassalo
- Department of Built Environment - Visitor (Faculty)
- School common, ENG
- Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering - Visitor (Faculty)
Person: Doctoral Student , Visiting Scholar
Olli Seppänen
- Department of Civil Engineering - Professor (Associate Professor)
- Performance in Building Design and Construction - Professor (Associate Professor)
Person: Professors, tenure track
Matleena Muhonen
- Department of Architecture - University Lecturer
- Department of Built Environment - Project Employee
- Water and Environmental Engineering - Project Employee
Person: Project research staff
Namkyu Chun
- Department of Art and Media - University Lecturer
- Department of Design - University Lecturer
- Fashion/Textile Futures
- Encore
Person: Teaching staff
Jari Huikku
- Department of Accounting - Professor (Associate Professor)
Person: Professors, tenure track