Activities per year
- 66 Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
- 39 Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
- 36 Conference presentation
- 24 Evaluation of other than Doctoral thesis (e.g. Licentiate, Master's)
- 1 - 50 out of 66 results
Search results
Pre-examination of the doctoral thesis of Leena Salminen 'Expatriate Networking and Knowledge Sharing'
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
21 Aug 2024Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Katri Sarkio's doctoral dissertation on 21st September 2024
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
21 Sept 2024Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examination of Heidi Saarinen's dissertation
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
Sept 2022 → …Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examination of Tarja Mäki's dissertation
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
Sept 2021Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examination of a doctoral dissertation
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
May 2020 → …Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Adjunct professor (docent) application for University of Tampere
Vartiainen, M. (Reviewer)
2019Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Opponent of a dissertation
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
6 Sept 2019 → …Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Acting as the opponent of Miikka Palvalin at Tampere University
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
26 Apr 2019Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Adjunct professor (docent) application for University of Turku
Vartiainen, M. (Reviewer)
2019Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examinaation of the doctoral thesis of Olli Rissanen (University of Eastern Finland, Philosophical Faculty) Professional magician's unique and networked expertise
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2018Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examination of the doctoral thesis of Virpi Mustonen (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences) – Challenges of Expertise and Organizational Learning during Digital Transformation of Forensic Fingerprint Investigation
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2017Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examiner of a doctoral dissertation of Heljä Franssila, University of Tampere, School of Information Sciences
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2016Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pia Pihlajasaari (University of Jyväskylä, Department of Psychology) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2015Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Tarja-Kaarina Laamanen (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2015Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Annarita Koli (University of Helsinki, Institute of Behavioral Sciences) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2014Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Ulla Soukainen (University of Turku, Faculty of Education) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2014Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Leena Eloranta (: Lappeenranta University of Technology, LUT School of Industrial Engineering and Management) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2013Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pertti Laine (University of Turku, Faculty of Education) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2013Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Sari Mäkinen (University of Tampere, School of Information Sciences) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2013Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Anna-Maria Teperi (University of Helsinki, Cognitive Science, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2012Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Opponent of a doctoral dissertation, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2011Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Opponent of Maiju Vuolle (Tampere University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Technology Management) – Measuring performance impacts of mobile business services from the customer perspective (with dr. Harri Kulmala)
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2011Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Opponent of a doctoral dissertation, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Faculty of Technology Management
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2011Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examination of the doctoral thesis of Maiju Vuolle (Tampere University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Technology Management) – Measuring performance impacts of mobile business services from the customer perspective
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2011Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examiner of a doctoral dissertation of Petra Pekkanen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Faculty of Technology Management
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2011Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Harri Virolainen (Turku School of Economics, University of Turku) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2010Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Christine Maier (University of Trier, Fachbereich I – Psychology) Germany
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2010Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Markku Tapio Häkkinen (University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Information Technology) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2010Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Tarja Kantola (University of Helsinki, Department of Education) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2010Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Christine Maier (University of Trier, Fachbereich I – Psychology) Germany
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2010Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Harri Virolainen (Turku School of Economics, University of Turku) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2010Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Petra S. Bayerl (Delft University of Technology) The Netherlands
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2010Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Kantola, Tarja (University of Helsinki, Department of Education) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2009Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Koivusaari, Ritva (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2009Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
de Rooij, Joris P.G. (Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. Member of the Doctoral Examination Committee) The Netherlands
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2009Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Naarmala, Jyri (University of Vaasa, Faculty of Technology, Department of Computer Science) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2009Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Heikkilä, Veli Matti (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2008Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Paakkanen, Tuomo (University of Tampere, Department of Management Studies, Faculty of Economics and Administration) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2008Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Haaparanta, Heikki (Tampere University of Technology, Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering (with prof. Hannele Niemi)) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2008Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Bodrovic, Zlatko (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2008Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Korhonen, Kirsi (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Faculty of Technology Management) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2008Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Korhonen, Kirsi (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Faculty of Technology Management (with prof. Asko Miettinen)) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2008Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Haaparanta, Heikki (Tampere University of Technology, Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2008Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examination of the doctoral thesis of Zlatko Bodrozic (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences) – Post-industrial intervention. An activity-theoretical expedition tracing the proximal development of forms of conducting interventions
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2008Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examination of the doctoral thesis of Pasi Koski (University of Tampere, Faculty of Education) – Työ ja oppimine rengastehtaassa. Organisatorinen oppiminen sekä sitä edistävät ja ehkäisevät tekijät teollisessa oppimisympäristössä
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Koistinen, Kirsi (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2007Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Pre-examination of the doctoral dissertation of Anu Sivunen (University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Humanities) – Vuorovaikutus, viestintäteknologia ja identifioituminen hajautetuissa tiimeissä
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Kaltrun, Johan (Lindköping University, Department of Management and Engineering) Sweden
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2007Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Reiman, Teemu (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Examiner)
2006Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Iivari, Netta (University of Oulu, Faculty of Science) Finland
Vartiainen, M. (Opponent)
2006Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board