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Best paper award in Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2003 Institute of Logistics and Transport, England
Tanskanen, K. (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Burbidge-palkinto parhaasta esityksestä APMS 2005 Conference, Rockville, MD., USA, September 19-21, 2005. Kirsi Eloranta; Jaana Auramo; Kari Tanskanen "The effect of www systems in distributed engineering projects - competitiveadvantagethroughnetwork , USA
Tanskanen, K. (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management Best Paper Published in 2020
Tanskanen, K. (Recipient), 12 May 2021
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Palkinto vuoden 2004 parhaasta artikkelista: Jaana Auramo; Kari Tanskanen; Johanna Småros "Increasing operational efficiency through improved customer service: Process maintenance case" Intenational Journal of Logistics, USA
Tanskanen, K. (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
TEKESin Elektronisen liiketoiminnan logistiikka (ELO) teknologiaohjelman parhaan projektin palkinto: Elocore-projekti, Logistiikan tutkimusryhmä, BIT Tutkimuskeskus, TKK TEKES, Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Recipient), 2006
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work