Activities per year
- 31 results
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Foreign Visitor
Tanskanen, K. (Host)
2009Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
Foreign Visitor
Tanskanen, K. (Host)
2009Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
Foreign Visitor
Tanskanen, K. (Host)
2009Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
Foreign Visitor
Tanskanen, K. (Host)
2009Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
Foreign Visitor
Tanskanen, K. (Host)
2009Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
Foreign Visitor
Tanskanen, K. (Host)
2009Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
Kilpi, Jani (Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu) Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Examiner)
2008Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
NOFOMA 20th Annual Conference, Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
Foreign Visitor
Tanskanen, K. (Host)
2008Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
Nordlog 20th Doctoral Workshop
Tanskanen, K. (Chair)
2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference
Tanskanen, K. (Member)
2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
APMS Conference, Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
Nordlog 20th Doctoral Workshop, Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Contributor)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems
Tanskanen, K. (Member)
2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Raija Salo (Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto, teknistaloudellinen tiedekunta) Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Examiner)
2007Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
15th European Forum of Logistics Education (EFLE), Jyväskylä, 10.10.2007, Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Arctic Workshop
Tanskanen, K. (Chair)
2006Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Council of Supply Chain management Professionals, Annual Conference 2006, San Antonio, 15.-19.10.2006, USA
Tanskanen, K. (Contributor)
2006Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
ARCTIC WORKSHOP 2006 Supply Chains, project business, and services, 2nd-3rd of November, 2006, Turku, Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Contributor)
2006Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
Chee yew Wong (Aalborg University) Denmark
Tanskanen, K. (Opponent)
2005Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Foreign Visitor
Tanskanen, K. (Host)
2005Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
The Logistics Research Network (LRN) 8th Annual Conference, London, 11-12 September 2003, England
Tanskanen, K. (Contributor)
2003Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
Tietoverkkoliiketoiminnan määräaikainen tutkimusprofessuuri (Oulun Yliopisto) Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Reviewer)
2003Activity: Academic assessments › Statement of assessment of professorship
NOFOMA Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 14-15, 2001, Iceland
Tanskanen, K. (Contributor)
2001Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (Journal)
Tanskanen, K. (Editor-in-chief)
2001Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Membership of an editorial board
Lehtinen, Ulla (Oulun yliopisto) Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Examiner)
2001Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (Journal)
Tanskanen, K. (Editorial board member)
2001Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Membership of an editorial board
Aimo Inkiläinen (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulu) Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Opponent)
1998Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Aimo Inkiläinen (Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulu) Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Examiner)
1998Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Supply Chain Management Seminar, Espoo 20.5.1997, Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Speaker)
1997Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Informaatioteknologian laatu- ja alihankintapäivä, Espoo 15.10.1997, Finland
Tanskanen, K. (Speaker)
1997Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk