12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Kaisla Kajava with the persons below:
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Ana Paula Gonzalez Torres
- Department of Computer Science - Doctoral Researcher
- School common, SCI
- Professor of Practice Sawhney Nitin - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Nitin Sawhney
- Department of Computer Science - Professor of Practice
- Computer Science Professors of Practice - Professor of Practice
- Computer Science - Human-Computer Interaction and Design (HCID) - Professor of Practice
- Computer Science - Digital Ethics, Society and Policy (Digital-ESP) - Professor of Practice
Person: Professors, fixed term
Lopatnikov Lopatnikov Rojo
- Department of Built Environment - Visitor (Faculty)
- Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering - Visitor (Faculty)
Person: Visiting Scholar
Dejan Porjazovski
- Department of Information and Communications Engineering - Doctoral Researcher
- School common, ELEC
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Minttu Tikka
- Department of Computer Science - Visitor (Faculty)
- Professor of Practice Sawhney Nitin - Visitor (Faculty), Postdoctoral Researcher
Person: Postdoctoral researchers, Visiting Scholar
Mohammad Belal
- Department of Computer Science - Doctoral Researcher
- School common, SCI
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Samira Dibaj
- School common, ENG
- Department of Built Environment - Doctoral Researcher
- Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Tamás Grósz
- Department of Information and Communications Engineering - Project Employee
Person: Project research staff
Esa Saarinen
- Department of Industrial Engineering and Management - Senior Advisor
Person: Other teaching and research staff
Esko Hakanen
- Department of Industrial Engineering and Management - Postdoctoral Researcher
Person: Postdoctoral researchers