Floris van der Marel

Floris van der Marel


    Research activity per year

    Search results

    • 2024

      Amplifying Unheard Voices - Towards Inclusive Innovation and Development

      van der Marel, F., 2024, Aalto University. 150 p.

      Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisCollection of Articles

      Open Access
    • Educating for Innovation

      Björklund, T., Eriksson, V., Santos Figueiredo, S. & van der Marel, F., 2024, Aalto-yliopisto. 73 p.

      Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

    • Implications of hospital workers’ sense of safety and effectiveness in participatory design

      van der Marel, F., 2024, In: Design Journal. 27, 6, p. 1252-1269 18 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

      Open Access
      11 Downloads (Pure)
    • Moments that Matter : Early-Career Experiences of Diverse Engineers on Different Career Pathways

      van der Marel, F., Björklund, T. & Sheppard, S., 2024, In: Engineering Studies. 16, 1, p. 33-55 23 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

      Open Access
      1 Citation (Scopus)
      49 Downloads (Pure)
    • 2023

      How issue framing changes through design training : a hospital case study

      van der Marel, F., 2023, 2nd Design Factory Research Conference: Contributions for 'Designing for Multiplicity', October 5th - 6th 2023. Aalto-yliopisto, p. 40-43

      Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

      Open Access
    • How participatory design influences issue framing: a hospital case study

      van der Marel, F., 29 Dec 2023, In: CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation. 7, 3, p. 38-42 5 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

      Open Access
      1 Citation (Scopus)
      58 Downloads (Pure)
    • 2022

      Designers as Change Agents: Perceived Roles in Advancing Sustainability in Organizations on Different Design Utilization Levels

      van der Marel, F. & Björklund, T., May 2022, In: Proceedings of the Design Society. 2, p. 1149-1158 10 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleScientificpeer-review

      Open Access
      1 Citation (Scopus)
      65 Downloads (Pure)
    • Towards Radical Creativity

      Björklund, T., Eriksson, V., Feng, X., Klenner, N., Kuukka, A. & van der Marel, F., 2022, Aalto-yliopisto. 16 p.

      Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

      Open Access
    • 2021

      Thanks to Reviewers!

      Adams, R., Bahnson, M., Bhaduri, S., Adams, T., Bairaktarova, D., Bielefeldt, A., Aguirre-Munoz, Z., Balakrishnan, B., Blosser, E. G., Ahn, B., Beagon, U., Bodnar, C., Aleong, R., Becker, K., Borgford-Parnell, J., Amelink, C., Beddoes, K., Borrego, M., Anderson, R. & Bego, C. & 392 others, Bowe, B., Andrews, C. J., Beigpourian, B., Bowen, B., Angel, J., Bekki, J., Boyd, J., Fonseca, M. A., Bennett, D., Bradburn, I., Kranov, A. A., Berdanier, C., Brady, C., Bae, C. L., Bernhard, J., Brawner, C., Brose, A., Case, J., Cropley, D., Brown, F., Cassady, R., Cross, K., Brown, P., Celik, S., Cunningham, P., Brown, P., Ben Chan, Cutler, S., Brown, S., Chance, S. M., Dabbagh, N., Brozina, C., Chen, H., Dallal, A., Brunhaver, S., Chen, O., Daly, S., Bryant, A., Cheville, R. A., Daniel, S., Bucciarelli, L., Chiu, J., Danowitz, A., Burkholder, E., Choe, N. H., Darolia, R., Burks, G., Clark, R., Davis, K., Burt, B., Clevenger, C., Davis, S., Canney, N., Cole, J., de Jong, T., Cao, Y., Coley, B., De Vries, C., Caratozzolo, P., Cooper, L., Delaine, D., Carballo, R., Cooper, M., DeMonbrun, R., Cardella, M., Craig, T., Denton, M., Di Stefano, M., Erdman, A. M., Gilmartin, S., DiBiasio, D., Eris, O., Gladstone, J., Diefes-Dux, H., Evangelou, D., Glancy, A., Dika, S., Ewen, B., Godwin, A., Direito, I., Faber, C., Goldsmith, R., Dohn, N., Falconer, J., Grigg, S. J., Dolansky, M., Fantz, T., Grohs, J., Faulkner, B., Doom, D., Felder, R., Gummer, E., Douglas, E., Ferris, T., Guzey, S., Douglas, K. A., Figueiredo, J., Hadgraft, R., Dounas-Frazer, D., Fiorella, L., Hammack, R., Dringenberg, E., Flores, L., Han, K., Duffy, G., Fong, C., Harding, T., Easley, D., Fowler, R. R., Harper, K., Eccles, J., Friedrichsen, D., Hartmann, B., Edstrom, K., Ge, J., Hattingh, T., Ellestad, R., Gelles, L., Henderson, R., Henderson, T. S., Immekus, J., Kamphorst, J., Herman, G., Inda, M., Karatas, F., Hess, J., Itabashi-Campbell, R., Kartal, O., Hieb, J., Jackson, A., Karwat, D., Higbee, S., Jankowski, N., Katz, A., Hilton, E., Javernick-Will, A., Keipi, T., Hira, A., Jensen, K. J., Kim, D., Hirshfield, L., Smith, J., Kirn, A., Knaphus-Soran, E., Holly, J., Jesiek, B., Knight, D., Horng, S.-M., Johnson, A., Knott, T., Huang-Saad, A., Johnson, B., Kohl, P., Huerta, M., Johri, A., Kohtala, C., Huff, J., Jones, B., Komives, S., Hughes, B., Jones, L., Korsunskiy, E., Hughes, R., Jones, T., Kotys-Schwartz, D., Hunsu, N., Kaminski, J., Kramer, J., Hunter, C., Kampe, J.-C., Inkelas, K. K., Lamm, M., Lonngren, J., McCall, C., Lande, M., Lottero-Perdue, P. S., McCave, E., Lappalainen, P., Aguilar, J. F. L., McCray, E., Lawanto, O., Lucena, J., McGee, E., Lawson, J., Luk, L. Y. Y., McGough, C., Leath, S., Lutz, B., McGowan, V., Lee, D., Ma, Y., McNair, L. D., Lee, W., Madon, T., McNaughtan, J., Liberatore, M., Mamaril, N., McNeill, N., Lichtenstein, G., Mangiante, E., Mejia, J., Lima, M., Martin, B., Diaz, N. M., Lima, R. M., Martin, K., Menekse, M., Lin, J., Lippard, C., Mones, A. M., Mesquita, D. I. D. A., Michell, K., Litzler, E., Matthews, M., Miller, S., Lo, C. K., Matusovich, H., Minichiello, A., London, J., Maynard, N., Miskioglu, E. E., Longwell-Grice, R., Mazzurco, A., Yusof, K. M., Mohedas, I., Nghia, T. L. H., Pearson, A., Monat, J., Norton, P., Pearson, N., Monteiro, F., Novoselich, B. J., Pembridge, J., Moote, J., Noy, S., Perez-Felkner, L., Mora, M., O'Hara, R., Perkins, H., O'Moore, L., Peters-Burton, E., Morgan, D., Ohland, M., Pfirman, A., Morgan, T., Okai, B., Pinto, C., Morton, T., Olds, B., Pitterson, N., Mosyjowski, E., Orr, M., Polmear, M., Murphy, T., Ortega-Alvarez, J. D., Prince, T., Murray, J., Oseguera, L., Purzer, S., Murzi, H., Owen, C., Quan, G. M., Nagy, G., Ozkan, D. S., Quillin, K., Natarajathinam, M., Panther, G., Rayess, N., Nelson, M., Patrick, A., Reed, T., Newberry, B., Paul, K., Reeping, D., Newstetter, W., Pawley, A., Reese, M., Reid, K., Rulifson, G., Shivy, V., Renn, K., Rynearson, A. M., Simpson, Z., Ricco, G., Sanchez-Pena, M. L., Sitomer, A., Richards, L., Saunders-Smits, G., Siverling, E., Rios, L., Sax, L., Slaton, A., Ro, H. K., Schimpf, C., Sleezer, R., Roberts, D., Rodgers, K., Schippers, M., Smith-On, C., Rodriguez, S., Schnittka, C., Smith, J., Schunn, C., Rogers, C., Seah, L. H., Smith, J., Rohde, J., Rohrer, D., Secules, S., Smith, K., Smith, N., Romine, W., Seifert, C., Sochacka, N., Ross, L., Sessa, V., Stearns, E., Ross, M., Sharp, H., Steif, M., Rottmann, C., Sharp, J., Stephan, P., Rucks, L., Shaw, C., Stevens, R., Streveler, R., Tolbert, D., van Der Marel, F., Strobel, J., Toraman, S., van Hattum, N., Stump, G., Tougaw, D., Verdin, D., Su, X., Trautvetter, L. C., Verleger, M., Sundararaja, N., Trenshaw, K. F., Vieira, C., Trevelyan, J., Svihla, V., Troussas, C., Villanueva, I., Swan, C., Tsai, J., Vinck, D., Virguez, L., Swanson, R., Tsugawa, M. A., Vitasari, P., Sweeny, K., Tuononen, T., Vossoughi, S., Swenson, J., Turner, J., Wallin, P., Talley, K., Turner, S., Tan, L., Tyson, W., Watted, A., Tang, Y., Utley, J., Webber, K., Tank, K., Vasquez, R. V., Weintrop, D., Thomas, K., Valdivia, A., Weiss, E., Thompson, J. D., Valentine, A., West, R., Tierney, G., Van den Bogaard, M., Wiles, D., Wilson-Lopez, A. A., Xinrui, X., Zastavker, Y., Wilson, D., Xu, Y. J., Zhang, G., Wolmarans, N., Yang, Y., Zhu, J., Wong, R., Yi, S., Zoltowski, C. B., Woollacott, L. & Yoon, S. Y., Apr 2021, In: Journal of Engineering Education. 110, 2, p. 280-288 9 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalEditorialScientific

    • 2020
      Open Access
      45 Citations (Scopus)
      262 Downloads (Pure)
    • 2019

      Cultural change in education

      van der Marel, F., 2019, Design+ Organizational renewal and innovation through design. Björklund, T. & Keipi, T. (eds.). Aalto University, p. 178-191 13 p.

      Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterProfessional

      35 Downloads (Pure)
    • Design+ Organizational renewal and innovation through design

      Björklund, T. (Editor), Keipi, T. (Editor), Maula, H., Maula, J., Soule, S., Hannukainen, P., Manninen, T., van der Marel, F., Mäkelä, M., Rekonen, S., Vanhakartano, S., Kirjavainen, S., Luukkonen, M. & Laakso, M., 2019, Aalto-yliopisto. 222 p.

      Research output: Book/ReportAnthologyProfessional

      Open Access
      2739 Downloads (Pure)
    • Designers as change agents

      van der Marel, F. & Mäkelä, M., 2019, Design+ Organizational renewal and innovation through design. Björklund, T. & Keipi, T. (eds.). Aalto-yliopisto, p. 102-115 13 p.

      Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterProfessional

      199 Downloads (Pure)
    • Interpretations of design thinking across a large organization

      Kosmala, M., van der Marel, F. & Björklund, T., 2019, In: Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design. p. 3929-3938 10 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleScientificpeer-review

      Open Access
      2 Citations (Scopus)
      122 Downloads (Pure)
    • Meaningful Moments at Work : Frames Evoked by In-House and Consultancy Designers

      Bjorklund, T. & van Der Marel, F., 2019, In: Design Journal. 22, 6, p. 753-774 22 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

      Open Access
      5 Citations (Scopus)
      153 Downloads (Pure)
    • Perceived Culture of Networked Knowledge Hubs

      Mattila, P., van der Marel, F. & Mikkonen, M., 26 Jul 2019, In: Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design. 2019-July, p. 2327-2336 10 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleScientificpeer-review

      Open Access
      2 Citations (Scopus)
      103 Downloads (Pure)
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