Activities per year
- 43 results
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European Journal of Spatial Development (Journal)
Bengs, C. (Editorial board member)
2010Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Membership of an editorial board
Managing the Urban Rural Interface, Strategies and Tools for Urban Development and Sustainable Peri-urban Land Use Relationships (PLUREL), Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 19 – 22 October, 2010, Denmark
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu (Journal)
Bengs, C. (Editorial board member)
2010Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Membership of an editorial board
Managing the Urban Rural Interface: Strategies and Tools for Urban. Development and Sustainable Peri-Urban Land Use Relationships
Bengs, C. (Member)
2010Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Ylä-Anttila, Kimmo (Tampereen teknillinen yliopsito) Finland
Bengs, C. (Examiner)
2009Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Conference on Aspects of Equilibrium. 23.-25.June 2005. Wroclaw, Poland
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
University (External organisation)
Bengs, C. (Chair)
2005Activity: Memberships (typically long-term positions of trust) › Position of trust in a society or network
Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu (Journal)
Bengs, C. (Editorial board member)
2005Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Membership of an editorial board
European Journal of Spatial Development (Journal)
Bengs, C. (Editor-in-chief)
2005Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editor-in-chief in a journal or in a book series
University (External organisation)
Bengs, C. (Chair)
2005Activity: Memberships (typically long-term positions of trust) › Position of trust in a society or network
Governance in social and physical planning 12.-13.May 2005, Norway
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
2005Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
Böhme, Kai (University of Nijmegen) Alankomaat
Bengs, C. (Examiner)
2002Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Nordisk Seminarium om Urban- och Boendeforskning, NSBB, Espoo, 17-19.11.2002, Finland
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
2002Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
Outila, Tarja (Oulun yliopisto) Finland
Bengs, C. (Opponent)
2002Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
Nordisk Seminarium om Urban- och Boendeforskning
Bengs, C. (Chair)
2002Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
European Spatial Development - Nordic Characteristics, Stockholm, 15.-16.5.2001, Sweden
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
2001Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
European Spatial Development - Nordic Characteristics
Bengs, C. (Chair)
2001Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Vania Ceccato (KTH (Member of Board of Examiners)) Sweden
Bengs, C. (Examiner)
2001Activity: Academic assessments › Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board
3rd Planners Forum : Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region, Espoo, 6.-7.10.2000, Finland
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
3rd Planners Forum : Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region, Espoo, 6.10.2000, Finland
Bengs, C. (Speaker)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Urban and Regional Studies Academy (URSA) of Nordregio, Espoo, 28.8.2000, Finland
Bengs, C. (Speaker)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Nordic Planning meets Europe Conference (Nordregio), Stockholm, 21.8.2000, Sweden
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
XXVIIIth CPMR General Assembly, Firenze, 12.10.2000, Italy
Bengs, C. (Speaker)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
International Planning History Society Conference
Bengs, C. (Chair)
2000Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
GREENSCOM - Planning and Governance of the Urban Landscape, Espoo, 4.-6.6.2000, Finland
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
3rd Planners Forum : Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region, Espoo, 7.10.2000, Finland
Bengs, C. (Speaker)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
2nd Planners Forum : Regional Planning and Development around the Baltic Sea, Berlin, 4.-5.5.2000, Germany
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
2nd Planners Forum : Regional Planning and Development around the Baltic Sea, Berlin, 4.5.2000, Germany
Bengs, C. (Speaker)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Course for Planners from the Transition Countries, Gdansk, 27.9.2000, Poland
Bengs, C. (Speaker)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
9th International Planning History Conference (IPHS), Espoo, 20.-23.8.2000, Finland
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
2000Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
Planners Forum : Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea Region
Bengs, C. (Chair)
2000Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Focal Point Network Meeting
Bengs, C. (Chair)
1999Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Nordiskt seminarium, Sandbjergs slott, 28.10.1999, Denmark
Bengs, C. (Speaker)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
International Conference "Property Development and Land-Use Planning Around the Baltic Sea", Stockholm, 30.11.1999, Sweden
Bengs, C. (Speaker)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Study Programme Conference, Focal Point Meeting, Nijmegen, 14.-16.6.1999, Alankomaat
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
Study Programme Conference, Focal Point Meeting, Stockholm, 22.-24.2.1999, Sweden
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
International Conference Property Development and Land-Use Planning around the Baltic Sea
Bengs, C. (Chair)
1999Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Focal Point Network Meeting
Bengs, C. (Chair)
1999Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
International Conference "Property Development and Land-Use Planning Around the Baltic Sea, Stockholm, 29.11.1999, Sweden
Bengs, C. (Speaker)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Focal Point Network Meeting
Bengs, C. (Chair)
1999Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Membership of a scientific or program committee of a conference or seminar
Study Programme Conference, Focal Point Meeting, Rome, 18.-20.10.1999, Italy
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation
Industrial Heritage in the Nordic and Baltic States, Helsinki, 1.-3.10.1999, Finland
Bengs, C. (Speaker)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
International Conference "Property Development and Land-Use Planning Around the Baltic Sea", Stockholm, 29.-30.11.1999, Sweden
Bengs, C. (Contributor)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Conference presentation