Activities per year
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Lighting Round Table of the Lighting Engineering Center LEC, Cluj-Napoca, 20.5.1999, Romania
Tetri, E. (Speaker)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
CIRED, 15th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Nice June 1-3, 1999, France
Lehtonen, M. (Speaker)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
SMART-seminaari, Espoo, 29.9.1999, Finland
Halme, A. (Speaker)
1999Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
EUROMET Committee Meeting, Dublin, 27.-29.5.1998, Ireland
Ikonen, E. (Speaker)
1998Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Piiteknologia 2 K seminaari, Espoo Finland, 3.3.1998, Finland
Tittonen, I. (Speaker)
1998Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
PIRA -Conference on Paper Chemistry, Edinburgh, Scotland, 7.-13.11.1998, UK
Ylen, J.-P. (Speaker)
1998Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
National Metrology Day, Espoo, 1.9.1998, Finland
Ikonen, E. (Speaker)
1998Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
International Microwave Radiometer Workshop, Kööpenhamina, 1-4.9.1998, Denmark
Hallikainen, M. (Speaker)
1998Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
The Research Symposium of Young Scientists, Lohusalu, 1 - 8 June, 1997, Estonia
Jokinen, T. (Speaker)
1997Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Meeting on Quantum Optics, Umeå University, Sweden, November 11, 1997, Sweden
Tittonen, I. (Speaker)
1997Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Microwaves and RF Conference '97, London, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 1997, England
Valtonen, M. (Speaker)
1997Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Workshop on multiple model approaches to modelling and control, Trondheim, 1997, Norway
Halme, A. (Speaker)
1997Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Sähkötekniikan tutkijakoulun kesäseminaari, Sjökulla, 7 - 8.8.1997, Finland
Jokinen, T. (Speaker)
1997Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Teknik for framtida skogsbruk, Garpenberg, 1997, Sweden
Visala, A. (Speaker)
1997Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Chiral'96, Pietari-Moskova, 23.-30.7.1996, Belarus
Sihvola, A. (Speaker)
1996Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Eda-träff '96, Tukholma, huhtikuu, Sweden
Halonen, K. (Speaker)
1996Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Symposium on Electric Drives and Power Electronics, Tallinna 30.8.1996, Estonia
Jokinen, T. (Speaker)
1996Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
38th Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, USA, 26-28 June 1996, United States
Sopanen, M. (Speaker)
1996Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Tempus Phare Cource, Bucharest 1.7. - 4.7.1996, Romania
Jokinen, T. (Speaker)
1996Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk