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Tutorial at Audio Engineering Society 132nd Convention in Budabest, 26.-29.4.2012, Hungary
Pulkki, V. (Speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
CICED2012, Shanghai, 5-6.9.2012, China
Lehtonen, M. (Speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
ELECTRIC POWER ENGINEERING 2012, Brno, 23-25.5.2012, Czech Republic
Lehtonen, M. (Speaker)
2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Material Science Colloquium: Efficient light absorption in crystalline silicon solar cells, Espoo.
Savin, H. (Invited speaker)
2 Dec 2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Democrit University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece, 6 Sep 2011, Greece
Ott, J. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Workshop on Defect Engineering in Silicon (Skeikampen, Norway): Measurement of copper in silicon solar cells
Savin, H. (Keynote speaker)
14 Mar 2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Earth-Sun system exploration variability in space plasma phenomena, Kona, Hawaii, Yhdysvallat, January 16-21, 2011, United States
Pulkkinen, T. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
9th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC), 2011, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-17, 2011, Spain
Ott, J. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Visiting lecture at FTW Telecommunications Forum, Vienna, Austria, 28.1.2011, Austria
Salmi, J. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
NEC Eurolabs, Heidelberg, Germany, 28 October 2011, Germany
Ott, J. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Informs Applied Probability Society Conference, July 6-8, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, Sweden
Aalto, S. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Solar Energy seminar: Silicon PV research at Aalto University
Savin, H. (Invited speaker)
28 Apr 2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Low Carbon Earth Summit (Dalian, China): Effect of Thermal History on Iron Precipitation and Gettering in Crystalline Silicon
Haarahiltunen, A. (Invited speaker) & Savin, H. (Contributor)
27 Oct 2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), New Jersey, 26.7.2011, United States
Koivunen, V. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
University of Notre Dame 20.11.2011, United States
Koivunen, V. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Telekommunicationsforum, TU Wien/ftw, Wien, Austria, 27 May, 2011, Austria
Ott, J. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Informs Applied Probability Society Conference, July 6-8, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, Sweden
Hyytiä, E. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Universita Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 14 October 2011, Spain
Ott, J. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
8th European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, France, 27.-28.6.2011, France
Pulkkinen, T. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Solar Energy Forum: Black silicon solar cells
Savin, H. (Invited speaker)
8 Dec 2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Workshop on Internet Economics, San Diego, USA, Dec 1-2, 2011, USA
Hämmäinen, H. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Columbia University, New York, 25.7.2011, United States
Koivunen, V. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Villanova University, Pennsylvania, 22.7.2011, United States
Koivunen, V. (Speaker)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Building Trust in Mobile Environments, at Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Yan, Z. (Invited speaker)
Oct 2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Millennium Seminar in Mikkeli: Photovoltaic Research at Aalto University
Savin, H. (Keynote speaker)
23 Sept 2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
2010 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APM C2010, Yokohama, Japan, December 7-10, 2011
Räisänen, A. (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
PIERS 2010 (Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium), Xian, China, 22-26.3., China
Sihvola, A. (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
New Materials Day: Light induced degradation in silicon
Savin, H. (Invited speaker)
22 Feb 2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
China Public Lighting Summit, Shanghai, 15.-16.9.2010, China
Halonen, L. (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
IODS International Optical Design Seminar 2010, 27.-28.9, Pietari, Russia
Halonen, L. (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Advanced Photonics/Renewable Energy: Osa Optics & Photonics Congress, Karlsruhe, Germany
Halonen, L. (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves 2010 (GSMM2010), Incheon, South Korea, April 14-16, 2010
Räisänen, A. (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Invited talk, at Metrology Symposium
Ikonen, E. (Invited speaker)
Oct 2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
IEA Technical Conference, Kööpenhamina, Denmark
Halonen, L. (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
NET-COOP'10, Ghent 29.11.-1.12.2010, Belgium
Aalto, S. (Speaker)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
the 7th AGILE Workshop in Frascati, Italy, 29.9-1.10.2009, Italy
Hannikainen, D. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Workshop on Vulnerability and security in a changing power system, Sintef 29-30.10.2009, Norway
Haarla, L. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Launch of EASAC report: "Transforming Europe’s Electricity Supply – An Infrastructure Strategy for a Reliable, Renewable and Secure Power System", Bryssel 11.6.2009, Belgium
Haarla, L. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Northern Optics 2009 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, August 26–28, 2009, Lithuania
Ikonen, E. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Cost2100 4th Management Committee Meeting, Wroclaw, 5.-8.2.2008, Poland
Salmi, J. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
MIC-CSC ’08, Amman, Jordan, 2008, Jordania
Korhonen, T. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Workshop on Signal Processing Systems for Wireless Communications SPSWC 2008, Romania
Eriksson, J. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Draft Meeting Schedule for the Civil/Military Meeting, Kristiansand, 7-8 Oct.2008, Norway
Koivunen, V. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
38th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, October 27-31, 2008, Netherlands
Tretiakov, S. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
5th International Symposium Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering, Estonia
Haarla, L. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Exeter, 7. - 12.9.08, England
Arkkio, A. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Nordic PMU Workshop, Tukholma, 14.-15.2.2008, Sweden
Turunen, J. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Kuressaari, 13. - 19.1.08, Estonia
Arkkio, A. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
Esitelmä Brasiliassa vaimennusestimoinnista, 22.2.2008, Brazil
Turunen, J. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk
PG Course on Small Signal Stability and Oscillation Damping Control, Rymättylä, 30.3.-4.4.2008, Finland
Turunen, J. (Speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited academic talk