- 400 - 450 out of 540 results
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Mohamed Räsänen
- Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Ville Viikari Group - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Masoud Rastgou
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation - Doctoral Researcher
- Metrology Research Institute - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Hassan Razavi
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Sensor Informatics and Medical Technology - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Silas Rech
- Department of Information and Communications Engineering - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Pouyan Rezapoor
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering - Doctoral Researcher
- Zachary Taylor Group - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Yasaman Rezazadeh
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation - Doctoral Researcher
- Metrology Research Institute - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Norshahida Saba
- Department of Information and Communications Engineering - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Communication Engineering - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Mohammad Sadeghian-Jahromi
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Shadi Safaei Jazi
- Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Viktar Asadchy Group - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Zainab Saleem
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation - Doctoral Researcher
- Autonomous Systems - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Amin Salehi
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Power and Energy Systems - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Albert Salmi
- Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Ville Viikari Group - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Andrei Sandru
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation - Visitor (Doctoral Researcher), Visitor (Faculty)
- Autonomous Systems - Visitor (Doctoral Researcher), Visitor (Faculty)
Person: Doctoral Student , Visiting Scholar
Nassim Sehad
- Department of Information and Communications Engineering - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Communication Engineering - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Olli Setälä
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering - Doctoral Researcher
- Electron Physics Group (EPG) - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Mohammadjavad Shabanpoursheshpoli
- Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Kostantin Simovski Group - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Zheng Shen
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Cyber-physical Systems - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student
Xinyi Sheng
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation - Doctoral Researcher
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Cyber-physical Systems - Doctoral Researcher
Person: Doctoral students, Doctoral Student