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2020 Award for Achievements in Teaching
Cross, S. (Recipient), Feb 2021
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
City of Helsinki Science Award
Pulkkinen, T. (Recipient), 1999
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Cross of Merit of the Order of the White Rose of Finland
Sunikka, A. (Recipient), 2023
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing JGR-Space Physics
Pulkkinen, T. (Recipient), 1993
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia), member
Pulkkinen, T. (Recipient), 2001
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
First University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science Award for "Positive Character"
Linden, G. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
James B. Macelwane Medal and fellowship of the American Geophysical Union
Pulkkinen, T. (Recipient), 1998
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Julius Bartels Medal, European Geosciences Union
Pulkkinen, T. (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
NASA Group Achievement Award
Pulkkinen, T. (Recipient), 2004
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Outstanding Student Paper Award, AGU Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA
Pulkkinen, T. (Recipient), 1991
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Programme director funding (CLIMATE-programme)
Schönach, P. (Recipient), 8 Mar 2021
Prize: Granted funding (public project funding)
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters (Suomen Tiedeseura), member
Pulkkinen, T. (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
The Winner of the Best Balcony in Grassbay
Söderholm, M. (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
US National Academy of Sciences, Foreign Associate
Pulkkinen, T. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career