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Aivokuvat kertovat, mikä rakkauden laji on voimakkain
Rinne, P., Lahnakoski, J., Saarimäki, H., Tavast, M., Sams, M. & Henriksson, L.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Tutkimus: Sikeästi nukutun yön ja kovan treenin jäljet näkyivät aivoissa kahden viikon päästä
08/10/2024 → 14/10/2024
22 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Wihurin rahasto jakoi ennätyssumman apurahoina, palkittujen joukossa myös tuttu näyttelijä ja kannustava professori
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Dementiariskin tutkimus viedään ulos laboratoriosta – ”Puistossa mukaan tulee häiriöitä ja kohinaa”
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Tutkimus: Vanhemman rakkaus lasta kohtaan on muita rakkauden muotoja voimakkaampi
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Miten rakkaus näkyy aivoissa?
Rinne, P., Lahnakoski, J., Saarimäki, H., Tavast, M., Sams, M. & Henriksson, L.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Suomalaistutkijat selvittivät, millainen rakkaus on voimakkainta
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Näin eri rakkauden lajit näkyvät aivoissa
Rinne, P., Lahnakoski, J., Saarimäki, H., Tavast, M., Sams, M. & Henriksson, L.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Aivojen rakkauskartta paljastaa: rakkaus luontoon, lapseen tai eläimeen näkyy aivokuvissa eri tavoin
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Magneettistimulaatiohoidosta voi olla apua, kun masennuslääkkeet eivät tepsi
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Helsingin ja Stanfordin yliopistojen tutkimus: Yksilöity magneettistimulaatio voi auttaa masennuksen hoidossa
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Personalized magnetic stimulation may help in treating depression
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Suomen Akatemian hallitukseen, tieteellisiin toimikuntiin ja Akatemian yhteydessä toimivaan strategisen tutkimuksen neuvostoon nimetty jäsenet kaudelle 2025–2027
Marquis, G., Jääskeläinen, I., Suominen, A., Savioja, L. & Lipsanen, H.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Laastari kurkulla tuottaa puhetta tekoälyn avulla
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Researcher at University of Turku Reports Research in Science (Bodily maps of musical sensations across cultures)
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
US Patent Issued to BIOSQUARE, KONKUK UNIVERSITY INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION on Jan. 30 for "Highly sensitive methods for detecting biomolecules based on multiple quantum dots" (South Korean Inventors)
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Researchers Highlight Research in Chemistry (Raman signatures of alkyl chain length: Comparative analysis of 1-alkanols and normal alkanes)
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Researchers at Konkuk University Report New Data on Nanoparticles (Mercury Ion-responsive Coalescence of Silver Nanoparticles On a Silica Nanoparticle Core for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Sensing)
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Studies from Graduate University of Science and Technology in the Area of Electronics Published (A SIMPLE DESIGN OF BROADBAND CROSS-POLARIZATION CONVERTER FOR THE THz FREQUENCY RANGE)
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Reports Summarize Sustainability Research Findings from University of the Sciences (Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Zno Thin Films With Labyrinth-like Architecture By Thermal-shock-fluorination On Novel Zinc-coated Copper Substrate for ...)
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
New Findings on Computing and Cultural Heritage Described by Investigators at Vietnam National University (Quality Assessment Criteria and Methods for 3d Digital Replica of Historical Printingwoodblocks)
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Study Findings from Aalto University Advance Knowledge in Biology (Cortical time-course of evidence accumulation during semantic processing)
van Vliet, M., Hulten, A., Salmelin, R. & Lindh-Knuutila, T.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Reports from University of the Sciences Describe Recent Advances in Fuel Research [Highly Efficient, Rapid, and Practical Conversion of Carbohydrate Into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural Using a Continuous-flow Reactor With ...]
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
SCI Awards 2023 celebrate the people of our school
Nieminen, H., Ras, R. & Ranjan, S.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance
Research on Type 2 Diabetes Discussed by Researchers at University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Risk factors related to diabetic retinopathy in Vietnamese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus)
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Media appearance