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Search results
Member of the Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters
Puska, Martti (Recipient), 2006
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Member of the Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters (by election)
Pekola, Jukka (Recipient), 2001
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Member of the Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences (by election)
Pekola, Jukka (Recipient), 2001
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Member of the Finnish Academy of Technology
Törmä, Päivi (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Millenium Graduate Student 2022 First Prize (Sanaz Golkhatmi)
Lund, Peter (Supervising professor), 7 Nov 2022
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Millennium Distinction Award, Technology Academy Finland
van Dijken, Sebastiaan (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Nanotech Finland Award of 2010 by TEKES, Finland, for a Remarkable Scientific Breakthrough in the Field of Nanotechnology.
Kauppinen, Esko (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
National College New Energy Vehicle Big Data Application Innovation Competition
Lund, Peter (Supervising professor), 5 Jan 2020
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
nimitetty Full Professor kutsumenettelyllä Aalto University, Finland
Pekola, Jukka (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2020
Möttönen, Mikko (Recipient), 26 Nov 2020
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Nominated for the Mary Keyes Award for Outstanding Leadership and Service to McMaster University
Backholm, Matilda (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Nordita Corresponding Fellow 2001-2004
Alava, Mikko (Recipient), 2001
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Outstanding Postdoctoral Research Achievement Award – Solid State Lighting & Energy Center, University of California at Santa Barbara
Rinke, Patrick (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society (2011, 8th Finnish physicist)
Alava, Mikko (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Outstanding Referee American Physical Society, United States
Nieminen, Risto (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Outstanding Referee of Physical Review and Physical Review Letters
Rinke, Patrick (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship
Beppu, Kazusa (Recipient), 10 Mar 2023
Prize: Granted funding (personal grants)
Postdoc-mobility fellowship
Scacchi, Alberto (Recipient), 2022
Prize: Granted funding (personal grants)
Poster Recognition Award (Nanoenergy 2017)
Lund, Peter (Supervising professor), 21 Jul 2017
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Prize for excellent PhD thesis by Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Hakonen, Pertti (Recipient), 1987
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Prize for teaching excellence, Aalto School of Science, 2014 (for the physics education reform)
Alava, Mikko (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Prize for the Best Ph.D Thesis in the field of Technical Sciences
Ruokolainen, Janne (Recipient), 2001
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Publons Top Reviewer in Chemistry 2018
Nonappa, Nonappa (Recipient), 12 Sept 2018
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
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Publons Top Reviewer in Materials Science 2018
Nonappa, Nonappa (Recipient), 12 Sept 2018
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
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QTF Annual Discovery Prize 2020
Karimi, Bayan (Recipient), 2020
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Research Council of Finland Research Fellowship
Backholm, Matilda (Recipient), 2023
Prize: Granted funding (personal grants)
Sentinels of Science Top Reviewer Awards
Nonappa, Nonappa (Recipient), 16 Sept 2017
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
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Simon Memorial Prize
Pekola, Jukka (Recipient), 2020
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Simon Prize German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Germany
Volovik, Grigory (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Special Prize at Estonian National Contest for University Students for the PhD thesis
Heinsoo, Johannes (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Suomen Valkoisen Ruusun I luokan ritarimerkki / Riddartecknet av I klass av Finlands Vita Ros orden The President of the Republic, Finland
Pekola, Jukka (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
The 2008 Aggarwal Lecture, Cornell University (USA), May 20-21, 2008
Ikkala, Olli (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
The 2011 IUPAP C5 Young Scientist Prize in Low Temperature Physics Internation Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Iso-Britannia
Sillanpää, Mika (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
the Knight, First Class, of the order of White Rose of Finland Government of Finland, Finland
Krusius, Franz (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
The McMaster University School of Graduate Studies International Excellence Award
Backholm, Matilda (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
The McMaster University School of Graduate Studies International Excellence Award
Backholm, Matilda (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Theodor Homén Prize
Pekola, Jukka (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
The Order of the White Rose of Finland, Knight of First Class from President of Finland
Ikkala, Olli (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
The Ruth and Nils-Erik Stenbäck Prize for career accomplishments in science
Backholm, Matilda (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
The Ruth and Nils-Erik Stenbäck Prize for career accomplishments in science
Backholm, Matilda (Recipient), 2024
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
The Simon Memorial Prize The Institute of Physics, UK
Volovik, Grigory (Recipient), 2004
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Thesis Prize - Institute of Physics (UK) Computational Physics Group
Rinke, Patrick (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
The Young Researcher Entrepreneur 2020
Tan, Kuan (Recipient) & Goetz, Jan (Recipient), 25 Feb 2021
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
The Young Researcher Entrepreneur 2020 award
Tan, Kuan (Recipient) & Goetz, Jan (Recipient), 25 Feb 2021
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
Top peer reviewer in Cross-Field 2019
Nonappa, Nonappa (Recipient), 17 Sept 2019
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
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Top Reviewer for Finland
Nonappa, Nonappa (Recipient), 16 Sept 2017
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
TOYP (The Outstanding Young Person) Finland award, Junior Chamber International Finland
Törmä, Päivi (Recipient), 2006
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career
UNESCO Nanoscience Award 2018
Kauppinen, Esko (Recipient), 22 Nov 2018
Prize: Award or honor granted for a specific work
Väisälä award
Liljeroth, Peter (Recipient), 12 Dec 2016
Prize: Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career