
Search results

  • 2024

    An aspherical distribution for the explosive burning ash of core-collapse supernovae

    Fang, Q., Maeda, K., Kuncarayakti, H. & Nagao, T., Jan 2024, In: Nature Astronomy. 8, 1, p. 111-118 8 p.

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    6 Citations (Scopus)
  • A near magnetic-to-kinetic energy equipartition flare from the relativistic jet in AO 0235 + 164 during 2013–2019

    Cheong, W. Y., Lee, S. S., Kim, S. H., Kang, S., Kim, J. Y., Rani, B., Readhead, A. C. S., Kiehlmann, S., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Tammi, J., Ramakrishnan, V., Agudo, I., Fuentes, A., Traianou, E., Escudero, J., Thum, C., Myserlis, I., Casadio, C. & Gurwell, M., 1 Jan 2024, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 527, 1, p. 882-894 13 p.

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  • Cross-Polarization Gain Calibration of Linearly Polarized VLBI Antennas by Observations of 4C 39.25

    Jaron, F., Martí-Vidal, I., Schartner, M., González-García, J., Albentosa-Ruiz, E., Bernhart, S., Böhm, J., Gruber, J., Modiri, S., Nothnagel, A., Pérez-Díez, V., Savolainen, T., Soja, B., Varenius, E. & Xu, M. H., Apr 2024, In: Radio Science. 59, 4, e2023RS007892.

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  • Evidence of a toroidal magnetic field in the core of 3C 84

    Paraschos, G. F., Debbrecht, L. C., Kramer, J. A., Traianou, E., Liodakis, I., Krichbaum, T. P., Kim, J. Y., Janssen, M., Nair, D. G., Savolainen, T., Ros, E., Bach, U., Hodgson, J. A., Lisakov, M., Macdonald, N. R. & Zensus, J. A., 1 Jun 2024, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 686, L5.

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    19 Downloads (Pure)
  • First characterization of the emission behavior of Mrk 421 from radio to very high-energy gamma rays with simultaneous X-ray polarization measurements

    Abe, S., Abhir, J., Acciari, V. A., Agudo, I., Aniello, T., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet-Engels, A., Arcaro, C., Artero, M., Asano, K., Babić, A., Baquero, A., de Almeida, U. B., Barrio, J. A., Batković, I., Baxter, J., González, J. B., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., & 234 othersBernete, J., Berti, A., Besenrieder, J., Bigongiari, C., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnoli, G., Bošnjak, Burelli, I., Busetto, G., Campoy-Ordaz, A., Carosi, A., Carosi, R., Carretero-Castrillo, M., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Ceribella, G., Chai, Y., Cifuentes, A., Cikota, S., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., D'Ammando, F., D'Amico, G., D'Elia, V., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., de Menezes, R., Del Popolo, A., Delgado, J., Mendez, C. D., Di Pierro, F., Di Venere, L., Prester, D. D., Donini, A., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Elsaesser, D., Emery, G., Escudero, J., Fariña, L., Fattorini, A., Foffano, L., Font, L., Fröse, S., Fukami, S., Fukazawa, Y., López, R. J. G., Garczarczyk, M., Gasparyan, S., Gaug, M., Paiva, J. G. G., Giglietto, N., Giordano, F., Gliwny, P., Godinović, N., Gradetzke, T., Grau, R., Green, D., Green, J. G., Günther, P., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hassan, T., Heckmann, L., Herrera, J., Hrupec, D., Hütten, M., Imazawa, R., Inada, T., Ishio, K., Martínez, I. J., Jormanainen, J., Kerszberg, D., Kluge, G. W., Kobayashi, Y., Kouch, P. M., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., Lezáun, M. L., Lamastra, A., Leone, F., Lindfors, E., Linhoff, L., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López-Coto, R., López-Moya, M., López-Oramas, A., Loporchio, S., Lorini, A., de Oliveira Fraga, B. M., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Maneva, G., Mang, N., Manganaro, M., Mangano, S., Mannheim, K., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Martínez-Chicharro, M., Mas-Aguilar, A., Mazin, D., Menchiari, S., Mender, S., Miceli, D., Miener, T., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., González, M. M., Molina, E., Mondal, H. A., Moralejo, A., Morcuende, D., Nakamori, T., Nanci, C., Nava, L., Neustroev, V., Nickel, L., Rosillo, M. N., Nigro, C., Nikolić, L., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Ekoume, T. N., Noda, K., Nozaki, S., Ohtani, Y., Okumura, A., Otero-Santos, J., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Pavlović, D., Peresano, M., Persic, M., Pihet, M., Pirola, G., Podobnik, F., Moroni, P. G. P., Prandini, E., Principe, G., Priyadarshi, C., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Righi, C., Sahakyan, N., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Saturni, F. G., Schleicher, B., Schmidt, K., Schmuckermaier, F., Schubert, J. L., Schweizer, T., Sciaccaluga, A., Sitarek, J., Sliusar, V., Sobczynska, D., Stamerra, A., Strišković, J., Strom, D., Strzys, M., Suda, Y., Suutarinen, S., Tajima, H., Takahashi, M., Tavecchio, F., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terauchi, K., Terzić, T., Teshima, M., Tosti, L., Truzzi, S., Tutone, A., Ubach, S., van Scherpenberg, J., Acosta, M. V., Ventura, S., Viale, I., Vigorito, C. F., Vitale, V., Vovk, I., Walter, R., Will, M., Wunderlich, C., Yamamoto, T., Liodakis, I., Jorstad, S. G., Di Gesu, L., Donnarumma, I., Kim, D. E., Marscher, A. P., Middei, R., Perri, M., Puccetti, S., Verrecchia, F., Leto, C., De La Calle Pérez, I., Jiménez-Bailón, E., Blinov, D., Bourbah, I. G., Kiehlmann, S., Kontopodis, E., Mandarakas, N., Skalidis, R., Vervelaki, A., Aceituno, F. J., Agís-González, B., Sota, A., Sasada, M., Fukazawa, Y., Kawabata, K. S., Uemura, M., Mizuno, T., Akitaya, H., Casadio, C., Myserlis, I., Sievers, A., Lähteenmäki, A., Syrjärinne, I., Tornikoski, M., Salomé, Q., Gurwell, M., Keating, G. K. & Rao, R., 1 Apr 2024, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 684, A127.

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  • First Sagittarius A∗ Event Horizon Telescope Results. VII. Polarization of the Ring

    Akiyama, K., Alberdi, A., Alef, W., Algaba, J. C., Anantua, R., Asada, K., Azulay, R., Bach, U., Baczko, A. K., Ball, D., Baloković, M., Bandyopadhyay, B., Barrett, J., Bauböck, M., Benson, B. A., Bintley, D., Blackburn, L., Blundell, R., Bouman, K. L., Bower, G. C., & 31 othersBoyce, H., Bremer, M., Brinkerink, C. D., Brissenden, R., Britzen, S., Broderick, A. E., Broguiere, D., Bronzwaer, T., Bustamante, S., Byun, D. Y., Carlstrom, J. E., Ceccobello, C., Chael, A., Chan, C. K., Chang, D. O., Chatterjee, K., Chatterjee, S., Chen, M. T., Chen, Y., Cheng, X., Cho, I., Christian, P., Conroy, N. S., Kim, D. J., Li, Z., Ramakrishnan, V., Savolainen, T., Wagner, J., Washington, J. E., Wiik, K. & Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 1 Apr 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 964, 2, p. 1-32 32 p., L25.

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    50 Downloads (Pure)
  • First Sagittarius A∗ Event Horizon Telescope Results. VIII. Physical Interpretation of the Polarized Ring

    Ramakrishnan, V., Savolainen, T. & Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 1 Apr 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 964, 2, L26.

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    5 Citations (Scopus)
    25 Downloads (Pure)
  • Insights into the broadband emission of the TeV blazar Mrk 501 during the first X-ray polarization measurements

    Lähteenmäki, A., Salomé, Q., Syrjärinne, I., Tornikoski, M., MAGIC Collaboration & Multi-wavelength Collaborators, 1 May 2024, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 685, A117.

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  • Intermediate-luminosity Type IIP SN 2021gmj : a low-energy explosion with signatures of circumstellar material

    Murai, Y., Tanaka, M., Kawabata, M., Taguchi, K., Teja, R. S., Nakaoka, T., Maeda, K., Kawabata, K. S., Nagao, T., Moriya, T. J., Sahu, D. K., Anupama, G. C., Tominaga, N., Morokuma, T., Imazawa, R., Inutsuka, S., Isogai, K., Kasuga, T., Kobayashi, N., Kondo, S., & 11 othersMaehara, H., Mori, Y., Niino, Y., Ogawa, M., Ohsawa, R., Okumura, S. I., Saito, S., Sako, S., Takahashi, H., Uno, K. & Yamanaka, M., 1 Mar 2024, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 528, 3, p. 4209-4227 19 p.

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    22 Downloads (Pure)
  • Mitigating the effect of source structure in geodetic VLBI by re-weighting observations using closure delays and baseline-to-jet orientation

    Kareinen, N., Zubko, N., Savolainen, T., Xu, M. H. & Poutanen, M., 9 May 2024, In: Journal of Geodesy. 98, 5, p. 1-22 22 p., 38.

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  • Spectropolarimetry of Type II supernovae: II. Intrinsic supernova polarization and its relation to photometric and spectroscopic properties

    Nagao, T., Patat, F., Cikota, A., Baade, D., Mattila, S., Kotak, R., Kuncarayakti, H., Bulla, M. & Ayala, B., 1 Jan 2024, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 681, A11.

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  • The metamorphosis of the Type Ib SN 2019yvr: late-time interaction

    Ferrari, L., Folatelli, G., Kuncarayakti, H., Stritzinger, M., Maeda, K., Bersten, M., Román Aguilar, L. M., Sáez, M. M., Dessart, L., Lundqvist, P., Mazzali, P., Nagao, T., Ashall, C., Bose, S., Brennan, S. J., Cai, Y., Handberg, R., Holmbo, S., Karamehmetoglu, E., Pastorello, A., & 15 othersReguitti, A., Anderson, J., Chen, T. W., Galbany, L., Gromadzki, M., Gutiérrez, C. P., Inserra, C., Kankare, E., Müller Bravo, T. E., Mattila, S., Nicholl, M., Pignata, G., Sollerman, J., Srivastav, S. & Young, D. R., 1 Mar 2024, In: MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY: LETTERS. 529, 1, p. L33-L40

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    31 Downloads (Pure)
  • The persistent shadow of the supermassive black hole of M 87: I. Observations, calibration, imaging, and analysis*

    Akiyama, K., Alberdi, A., Alef, W., Algaba, J. C., Anantua, R., Asada, K., Azulay, R., Bach, U., Baczko, A. K., Ball, D., Baloković, M., Bandyopadhyay, B., Barrett, J., Bauböck, M., Benson, B. A., Bintley, D., Blackburn, L., Blundell, R., Bouman, K. L., Bower, G. C., & 31 othersBoyce, H., Bremer, M., Brissenden, R., Britzen, S., Broderick, A. E., Broguiere, D., Bronzwaer, T., Bustamante, S., Carlstrom, J. E., Chael, A., Chan, C. K., Chang, D. O., Chatterjee, K., Chatterjee, S., Chen, M. T., Chen, Y., Cheng, X., Cho, I., Christian, P., Conroy, N. S., Conway, J. E., Crawford, T. M., Crew, G. B., Cruz-Osorio, A., Cui, Y., Dahale, R., Davelaar, J., Ramakrishnan, V., Savolainen, T., Wiik, K. & Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 18 Jan 2024, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 681, 63 p., A79.

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    44 Downloads (Pure)
  • Towards an astronomical use of new-generation geodetic observations I. From the correlator to full-polarization images

    Pérez-Díez, V., Martí-Vidal, I., Albentosa-Ruiz, E., González-García, J., Jaron, F., Savolainen, T., Xu, M. H. & Bachiller, R., 1 Aug 2024, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 688, A151.

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  • Unprecedented extreme high-frequency radio variability in early-stage active galactic nuclei

    Järvelä, E., Savolainen, T., Berton, M., Lähteenmäki, A., Kiehlmann, S., Hovatta, T., Varglund, I., Readhead, A. C. S., Tornikoski, M., Max-Moerbeck, W., Reeves, R. A. & Suutarinen, S., 1 Aug 2024, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 532, 3, p. 3069-3101 33 p.

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  • 2023

    A host galaxy study of southern narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies

    Varglund, I., Järvelä, E., Ciroi, S., Berton, M., Congiu, E., Lähteenmäki, A. & Di Mille, F., 1 Nov 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 679, A32.

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  • A multi-band study and exploration of the radio wave-gamma-ray connection in 3C 84

    Paraschos, G. F., Mpisketzis, V., Kim, J. Y., Witzel, G., Krichbaum, T. P., Zensus, J. A., Gurwell, M. A., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Kiehlmann, S. & Readhead, A. C. S., 3 Jan 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 669, 12 p., 32.

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    9 Citations (Scopus)
    46 Downloads (Pure)
  • A ring-like accretion structure in M87 connecting its black hole and jet

    Lu, R. S., Asada, K., Krichbaum, T. P., Park, J., Tazaki, F., Pu, H. Y., Nakamura, M., Lobanov, A., Hada, K., Akiyama, K., Kim, J. Y., Marti-Vidal, I., Gómez, J. L., Kawashima, T., Yuan, F., Ros, E., Alef, W., Britzen, S., Bremer, M., Broderick, A. E., & 101 othersDoi, A., Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M., Ho, P. T. P., Honma, M., Hughes, D. H., Inoue, M., Jiang, W., Kino, M., Koyama, S., Lindqvist, M., Liu, J., Marscher, A. P., Matsushita, S., Nagai, H., Rottmann, H., Savolainen, T., Schuster, K. F., Shen, Z. Q., de Vicente, P., Walker, R. C., Yang, H., Zensus, J. A., Algaba, J. C., Allardi, A., Bach, U., Berthold, R., Bintley, D., Byun, D. Y., Casadio, C., Chang, S. H., Chang, C. C., Chang, S. C., Chen, C. C., Chen, M. T., Chilson, R., Chuter, T. C., Conway, J., Crew, G. B., Dempsey, J. T., Dornbusch, S., Faber, A., Friberg, P., García, J. G., Garrido, M. G., Han, C. C., Han, K. C., Hasegawa, Y., Herrero-Illana, R., Huang, Y. D., Huang, C. W. L., Impellizzeri, V., Jiang, H., Jinchi, H., Jung, T., Kallunki, J., Kirves, P., Kimura, K., Koay, J. Y., Koch, P. M., Kramer, C., Kraus, A., Kubo, D., Kuo, C. Y., Li, C. T., Lin, L. C. C., Liu, C. T., Liu, K. Y., Lo, W. P., Lu, L. M., MacDonald, N., Martin-Cocher, P., Messias, H., Meyer-Zhao, Z., Minter, A., Nair, D. G., Nishioka, H., Norton, T. J., Nystrom, G., Ogawa, H., Oshiro, P., Patel, N. A., Pen, U. L., Pidopryhora, Y., Pradel, N., Raffin, P. A., Rao, R., Ruiz, I., Sanchez, S., Shaw, P., Snow, W., Sridharan, T. K., Srinivasan, R., Tercero, B., Torne, P., Traianou, E., Wagner, J., Walther, C., Wei, T. S., Yang, J. & Yu, C. Y., 1 Apr 2023, In: Nature. 616, 7958, p. 686-690 5 p.

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    41 Downloads (Pure)
  • A Search for Pulsars around Sgr A* in the First Event Horizon Telescope Data Set

    Torne, P., Liu, K., Eatough, R. P., Wongphechauxsorn, J., Cordes, J. M., Desvignes, G., De Laurentis, M., Kramer, M., Ransom, S. M., Chatterjee, S., Wharton, R., Karuppusamy, R., Blackburn, L., Janssen, M., Chan, C. K., Crew, G. B., Matthews, L. D., Goddi, C., Rottmann, H., Wagner, J., & 265 othersSánchez, S., Ruiz, I., Abbate, F., Bower, G. C., Salamanca, J. J., Gómez-Ruiz, A. I., Herrera-Aguilar, A., Jiang, W., Lu, R. S., Pen, U. L., Raymond, A. W., Shao, L., Shen, Z., Paubert, G., Sanchez-Portal, M., Kramer, C., Castillo, M., Navarro, S., John, D., Schuster, K. F., Johnson, M. D., Rygl, K. L. J., Akiyama, K., Alberdi, A., Alef, W., Algaba, J. C., Anantua, R., Asada, K., Azulay, R., Bach, U., Baczko, A. K., Ball, D., Baloković, M., Barrett, J., Bauböck, M., Benson, B. A., Bintley, D., Blundell, R., Bouman, K. L., Boyce, H., Bremer, M., Brinkerink, C. D., Brissenden, R., Britzen, S., Broderick, A. E., Broguiere, D., Bronzwaer, T., Bustamante, S., Byun, D. Y., Carlstrom, J. E., Ceccobello, C., Chael, A., Chang, D. O., Chatterjee, K., Chen, M. T., Chen, Y., Cheng, X., Cho, I., Christian, P., Conroy, N. S., Conway, J. E., Crawford, T. M., Cruz-Osorio, A., Cui, Y., Dahale, R., Davelaar, J., Deane, R., Dempsey, J., Dexter, J., Dhruv, V., Doeleman, S. S., Dougal, S., Dzib, S. A., Emami, R., Falcke, H., Farah, J., Fish, V. L., Fomalont, E., Ford, H. A., Foschi, M., Fraga-Encinas, R., Freeman, W. T., Friberg, P., Fromm, C. M., Fuentes, A., Galison, P., Gammie, C. F., García, R., Gentaz, O., Georgiev, B., Gold, R., Gómez, J. L., Gu, M., Gurwell, M., Hada, K., Haggard, D., Haworth, K., Hecht, M. H., Hesper, R., Heumann, D., Ho, L. C., Ho, P., Honma, M., Huang, C. W. L., Huang, L., Hughes, D. H., Ikeda, S., Impellizzeri, C. M. V., Inoue, M., Issaoun, S., James, D. J., Jannuzi, B. T., Jeter, B., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jorstad, S., Joshi, A. V., Jung, T., Karami, M., Kawashima, T., Keating, G. K., Kettenis, M., Kim, D. J., Kim, J. Y., Kim, J., Kim, J., Kino, M., Koay, J. Y., Kocherlakota, P., Kofuji, Y., Koyama, S., Krichbaum, T. P., Kuo, C. Y., La Bella, N., Lauer, T. R., Lee, D., Lee, S. S., Leung, P. K., Levis, A., Li, Z., Lico, R., Lindahl, G., Lindqvist, M., Lisakov, M., Liu, J., Liuzzo, E., Lo, W. P., Lobanov, A. P., Loinard, L., Lonsdale, C. J., MacDonald, N. R., Mao, J., Marchili, N., Markoff, S., Marrone, D. P., Marscher, A. P., Martí-Vidal, I., Matsushita, S., Medeiros, L., Menten, K. M., Michalik, D., Mizuno, I., Mizuno, Y., Moran, J. M., Moriyama, K., Moscibrodzka, M., Müller, C., Müller, H., Mus, A., Musoke, G., Myserlis, I., Nadolski, A., Nagai, H., Nagar, N. M., Nakamura, M., Narayan, R., Narayanan, G., Natarajan, I., Nathanail, A., Neilsen, J., Neri, R., Ni, C., Noutsos, A., Nowak, M. A., Oh, J., Okino, H., Olivares, H., Ortiz-León, G. N., Oyama, T., Özel, F., Palumbo, D. C. M., Paraschos, G. F., Park, J., Parsons, H., Patel, N., Pesce, D. W., Piétu, V., Plambeck, R., PopStefanija, A., Porth, O., Pötzl, F. M., Prather, B., Preciado-López, J. A., Psaltis, D., Pu, H. Y., Ramakrishnan, V., Rao, R., Rawlings, M. G., Rezzolla, L., Ricarte, A., Ripperda, B., Roelofs, F., Rogers, A., Ros, E., Romero-Cañizales, C., Roshanineshat, A., Roy, A. L., Ruszczyk, C., Sánchez-Argüelles, D., Sasada, M., Satapathy, K., Savolainen, T., Schloerb, F. P., Schonfeld, J., Small, D., Sohn, B. W., SooHoo, J., Souccar, K., Sun, H., Tetarenko, A. J., Tiede, P., Tilanus, R. P. J., Titus, M., Toscano, T., Traianou, E., Trent, T., Trippe, S., Turk, M., van Bemmel, I., van Langevelde, H. J., van Rossum, D. R., Vos, J., Ward-Thompson, D., Wardle, J., Weintroub, J., Wex, N., Wielgus, M., Wiik, K., Witzel, G., Wondrak, M. F., Wong, G. N., Wu, Q., Yadlapalli, N., Yamaguchi, P., Yfantis, A., Yoon, D., Young, A., Young, K., Younsi, Z., Yu, W., Yuan, F., Yuan, Y. F., Zensus, J. A., Zhang, S., Zhao, G. Y. & Zhao, S. S., 1 Dec 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 959, 1, 14.

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  • Baseline Vector Repeatability at the Sub-Millimeter Level Enabled by Radio Interferometer Phase Delays of Intra-Site Baselines

    Xu, M. H., Savolainen, T., Bolotin, S., Bernhart, S., Plötz, C., Haas, R., Varenius, E., Wang, G., McCallum, J., Heinkelmann, R., Lunz, S., Schuh, H., Zubko, N. & Kareinen, N., Mar 2023, In: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: SOLID EARTH. 128, 3, e2022JB025198.

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  • Bridging astronomical, astrometric and geodetic scheduling for VGOS

    Schartner, M., Collioud, A., Charlot, P., Xu, M. H. & Soja, B., Feb 2023, In: Journal of Geodesy. 97, 2, 19 p., 17.

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  • Comparison of Polarized Radiative Transfer Codes Used by the EHT Collaboration

    Ramakrishnan, V., Savolainen, T. & Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 1 Jun 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 950, 1, 35.

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  • Enhancing the alignment of the optically bright Gaia reference frame with respect to the International Celestial Reference System

    Lunz, S., Anderson, J. M., Xu, M. H., Titov, O., Heinkelmann, R., Johnson, M. C. & Schuh, H., 1 Aug 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 676, A11.

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  • Filamentary structures as the origin of blazar jet radio variability

    Fuentes, A., Gómez, J. L., Martí, J. M., Perucho, M., Zhao, G. Y., Lico, R., Lobanov, A. P., Bruni, G., Kovalev, Y. Y., Chael, A., Akiyama, K., Bouman, K. L., Sun, H., Cho, I., Traianou, E., Toscano, T., Dahale, R., Foschi, M., Gurvits, L. I., Jorstad, S., & 5 othersKim, J. Y., Marscher, A. P., Mizuno, Y., Ros, E. & Savolainen, T., Nov 2023, In: Nature Astronomy. 7, 11, p. 1359-1367 9 p.

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  • First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. IX. Detection of Near-horizon Circular Polarization

    Ramakrishnan, V., Savolainen, T. & Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 1 Nov 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 957, 2, p. L20 L20.

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  • Interactions between the Jet and Disk Wind in Nearby Radio-intermediate Quasar III Zw 2

    Wang, A., An, T., Guo, S., Mohan, P., Chamani, W., Baan, W. A., Hovatta, T., Falcke, H., Galvin, T. J., Hurley-Walker, N., Jaiswal, S., Lahteenmaki, A., Lao, B., Lv, W., Tornikoski, M. & Zhang, Y., 1 Feb 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 944, 2, 18 p., 187.

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  • Long-term Swift and Metsähovi monitoring of SDSS J164100.10+345452.7 reveals multi-wavelength correlated variability

    Romano, P., Lähteenmäki, A., Vercellone, S., Foschini, L., Berton, M., Raiteri, C. M., Braito, V., Ciroi, S., Järvelä, E., Baitieri, S., Varglund, I., Tornikoski, M. & Suutarinen, S., 1 May 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 673, A85.

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  • MOJAVE – XX. Persistent linear polarization structure in parsec-scale AGN jets

    Pushkarev, A. B., Aller, H. D., Aller, M. F., Homan, D. C., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Pashchenko, I. N., Savolainen, T. & Zobnina, D. I., 1 Apr 2023, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 520, 4, p. 6053-6069 17 p.

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  • MOJAVE - XXI. Decade-long linear polarization variability in AGN jets at parsec scales

    Zobnina, D. I., Aller, H. D., Aller, M. F., Homan, D. C., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Pashchenko, I. N., Pushkarev, A. B. & Savolainen, T., 1 Aug 2023, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 523, 3, p. 3615-3628 14 p.

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  • Multimessenger Characterization of Markarian 501 during Historically Low X-Ray and γ-Ray Activity

    Fallah Ramazani, V., Chamani, W., Hovatta, T., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M. & MAGIC Collaboration, 1 Jun 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 266, 2, 37.

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  • Multiwavelength Temporal Variability of the Blazar PKS 1510–089

    Yuan, Q., Kushwaha, P., Gupta, A. C., Tripathi, A., Wiita, P. J., Zhang, M., Liu, X., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Tammi, J., Ramakrishnan, V., Cui, L., Wang, X., Gu, M. F., Bambi, C. & Volvach, A. E., 1 Aug 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 953, 1, 47.

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  • Observational Implications of OJ 287’s Predicted 2022 Disk Impact in the Black Hole Binary Model

    Valtonen, M. J., Dey, L., Gopakumar, A., Zola, S., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Gupta, A. C., Pursimo, T., Knudstrup, E., Gomez, J. L., Hudec, R., Jelínek, M., Štrobl, J., Berdyugin, A. V., Ciprini, S., Reichart, D. E., Kouprianov, V. V., Matsumoto, K., Drozdz, M., Mugrauer, M., & 7 othersSadun, A., Zejmo, M., Sillanpää, A., Lehto, H. J., Nilsson, K., Imazawa, R. & Uemura, M., Aug 2023, In: Galaxies. 11, 4, 22 p., 82.

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  • On the need of an ultramassive black hole in OJ 287

    Valtonen, M. J., Zola, S., Gopakumar, A., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Dey, L., Gupta, A. C., Pursimo, T., Knudstrup, E., Gomez, J. L., Hudec, R., Jelínek, M., Štrobl, J., Berdyugin, A. V., Ciprini, S., Reichart, D. E., Kouprianov, V. V., Matsumoto, K., Drozdz, M., Mugrauer, M., & 8 othersSadun, A., Zejmo, M., Sillanpää, A., Lehto, H. J., Nilsson, K., Imazawa, R., Uemura, M. & Davidson, J. W., 1 Oct 2023, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 525, 1, p. 1153-1157 5 p.

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  • Photometry and spectroscopy of the Type Icn supernova 2021ckj: The diverse properties of the ejecta and circumstellar matter of Type Icn supernovae

    Nagao, T., Kuncarayakti, H., Maeda, K., Moore, T. J. T., Pastorello, A., Mattila, S., Uno, K., Smartt, S. J., Sim, S. A., Ferrari, L., Tomasella, L., Anderson, J. P., Chen, T. W., Galbany, L., Gao, H., Gromadzki, M., Gutiérrez, C. P., Inserra, C., Kankare, E., Magnier, E. A., & 3 othersMüller-Bravo, T. E., Reguitti, A. & Young, D. R., 1 May 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 673, 12 p., A27.

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  • Polarimetric Geometric Modeling for mm-VLBI Observations of Black Holes

    Roelofs, F., Johnson, M. D., Chael, A., Janssen, M., Wielgus, M., Broderick, A. E., Akiyama, K., Alberdi, A., Alef, W., Algaba, J. C., Anantua, R., Asada, K., Azulay, R., Bach, U., Baczko, A. K., Ball, D., Baloković, M., Barrett, J., Bauböck, M., Benson, B. A., & 263 othersBintley, D., Blackburn, L., Blundell, R., Bouman, K. L., Bower, G. C., Boyce, H., Bremer, M., Brinkerink, C. D., Brissenden, R., Britzen, S., Broguiere, D., Bronzwaer, T., Bustamante, S., Byun, D. Y., Carlstrom, J. E., Ceccobello, C., Chan, C. K., Chang, D. O., Chatterjee, K., Chatterjee, S., Chen, M. T., Chen, Y., Cheng, X., Cho, I., Christian, P., Conroy, N. S., Conway, J. E., Cordes, J. M., Crawford, T. M., Crew, G. B., Cruz-Osorio, A., Cui, Y., Dahale, R., Davelaar, J., De Laurentis, M., Deane, R., Dempsey, J., Desvignes, G., Dexter, J., Dhruv, V., Doeleman, S. S., Dougal, S., Dzib, S. A., Eatough, R. P., Emami, R., Falcke, H., Farah, J., Fish, V. L., Fomalont, E., Ford, H. A., Foschi, M., Fraga-Encinas, R., Freeman, W. T., Friberg, P., Fromm, C. M., Fuentes, A., Galison, P., Gammie, C. F., García, R., Gentaz, O., Georgiev, B., Goddi, C., Gold, R., Gómez-Ruiz, A. I., Gómez, J. L., Gu, M., Gurwell, M., Hada, K., Haggard, D., Haworth, K., Hecht, M. H., Hesper, R., Heumann, D., Ho, L. C., Ho, P., Honma, M., Huang, C. W. L., Huang, L., Hughes, D. H., Ikeda, S., Impellizzeri, C. M. V., Inoue, M., Issaoun, S., James, D. J., Jannuzi, B. T., Jeter, B., Jiang, W., Jiménez-Rosales, A., Jorstad, S., Joshi, A. V., Jung, T., Karami, M., Karuppusamy, R., Kawashima, T., Keating, G. K., Kettenis, M., Kim, D. J., Kim, J. Y., Kim, J., Kim, J., Kino, M., Koay, J. Y., Kocherlakota, P., Kofuji, Y., Koch, P. M., Koyama, S., Kramer, C., Kramer, J. A., Kramer, M., Krichbaum, T. P., Kuo, C. Y., La Bella, N., Lauer, T. R., Lee, D., Lee, S. S., Leung, P. K., Levis, A., Li, Z., Lico, R., Lindahl, G., Lindqvist, M., Lisakov, M., Liu, J., Liu, K., Liuzzo, E., Lo, W. P., Lobanov, A. P., Loinard, L., Lonsdale, C. J., Lowitz, A. E., Lu, R. S., MacDonald, N. R., Mao, J., Marchili, N., Markoff, S., Marrone, D. P., Marscher, A. P., Martí-Vidal, I., Matsushita, S., Matthews, L. D., Medeiros, L., Menten, K. M., Michalik, D., Mizuno, I., Mizuno, Y., Moran, J. M., Moriyama, K., Moscibrodzka, M., Mulaudzi, W., Müller, C., Müller, H., Mus, A., Musoke, G., Myserlis, I., Nadolski, A., Nagai, H., Nagar, N. M., Nakamura, M., Narayan, R., Narayanan, G., Natarajan, I., Nathanail, A., Fuentes, S. N., Neilsen, J., Neri, R., Ni, C., Noutsos, A., Nowak, M. A., Oh, J., Okino, H., Olivares, H., Ortiz-León, G. N., Oyama, T., Özel, F., Palumbo, D. C. M., Paraschos, G. F., Park, J., Parsons, H., Patel, N., Pen, U. L., Pesce, D. W., Piétu, V., Plambeck, R., PopStefanija, A., Porth, O., Pötzl, F. M., Prather, B., Preciado-López, J. A., Psaltis, D., Pu, H. Y., Ramakrishnan, V., Rao, R., Rawlings, M. G., Raymond, A. W., Rezzolla, L., Ricarte, A., Ripperda, B., Rogers, A., Romero-Cañizales, C., Ros, E., Roshanineshat, A., Rottmann, H., Roy, A. L., Ruiz, I., Ruszczyk, C., Rygl, K. L. J., Sánchez, S., Sánchez-Argüelles, D., Sánchez-Portal, M., Sasada, M., Satapathy, K., Savolainen, T., Schloerb, F. P., Schonfeld, J., Schuster, K. F., Shao, L., Shen, Z., Small, D., Sohn, B. W., SooHoo, J., Sosapanta Salas, L. D., Souccar, K., Sun, H., Tazaki, F., Tetarenko, A. J., Tiede, P., Tilanus, R. P. J., Titus, M., Torne, P., Toscano, T., Traianou, E., Trent, T., Trippe, S., Turk, M., van Bemmel, I., van Langevelde, H. J., van Rossum, D. R., Vos, J., Wagner, J., Ward-Thompson, D., Wardle, J., Washington, J. E., Weintroub, J., Wharton, R., Wiik, K., Witzel, G., Wondrak, M. F., Wong, G. N., Wu, Q., Yadlapalli, N., Yamaguchi, P., Yfantis, A., Yoon, D., Young, A., Young, K., Younsi, Z., Yu, W., Yuan, F., Yuan, Y. F., Zensus, J. A., Zhang, S., Zhao, G. Y. & Zhao, S. S., 1 Nov 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 957, 2, p. L21 L21.

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  • Quasi-periodic behaviour in the radio and gamma-ray light curves of blazar PKS 1510-089

    Li, XP., Cai, Y., Yang, HY., Lahteenmaki, A., Tornikoski, M., Tammi, J., Suutarinen, S., Yang, H-T., Luo, YH. & Wang, LS., Mar 2023, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 519, 4, p. 4893-4901 9 p.

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  • Radio and γ-Ray Variability in Blazar S5 0716+714: A Year-like Quasi-periodic Oscillation in the Radio Light Curve

    Li, X. P., Yang, H. Y., Cai, Y., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Tammi, J., Suutarinen, S., Yang, H. T., Luo, Y. H. & Wang, L. S., 1 Feb 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 943, 2, 9 p., 157.

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  • RadioAstron discovery of a mini-cocoon around the restarted parsec-scale jet in 3C 84

    Savolainen, T., Giovannini, G., Kovalev, Y. Y., Perucho, M., Anderson, J. M., Bruni, G., Edwards, P. G., Fuentes, A., Giroletti, M., Gomez, J. L., Hada, K., Lee, S. S., Lisakov, M. M., Lobanov, A. P., Lopez-Miralles, J., Orienti, M., Petrov, L., Plavin, A. V., Sohn, B. W., Sokolovsky, K. V., & 2 othersVoitsik, P. A. & Zensus, J. A., 1 Aug 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 676, A114.

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  • RadioAstron Space VLBI Imaging of the Jet in M87. I. Detection of High Brightness Temperature at 22 GHz

    Kim, J. Y., Savolainen, T., Voitsik, P., Kravchenko, E. V., Lisakov, M. M., Kovalev, Y. Y., Müller, H., Lobanov, A. P., Sokolovsky, K. V., Bruni, G., Edwards, P. G., Reynolds, C., Bach, U., Gurvits, L. I., Krichbaum, T. P., Hada, K., Giroletti, M., Orienti, M., Anderson, J. M., Lee, S. S., & 2 othersSohn, B. W. & Zensus, J. A., 1 Jul 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 952, 1, 34.

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  • Refining the OJ 287 2022 impact flare arrival epoch

    Valtonen, M. J., Zola, S., Gopakumar, A., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Dey, L., Gupta, A. C., Pursimo, T., Knudstrup, E., Gomez, J. L., Hudec, R., Jelínek, M., Štrobl, J., Berdyugin, A. V., Ciprini, S., Reichart, D. E., Kouprianov, V. V., Matsumoto, K., Drozdz, M., Mugrauer, M., & 7 othersSadun, A., Zejmo, M., Sillanpää, A., Lehto, H. J., Nilsson, K., Imazawa, R. & Uemura, M., 1 Jun 2023, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 521, 4, p. 6143-6155 13 p.

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  • Spectropolarimetry of Type II supernovae: I. Sample, observational data, and interstellar polarization

    Nagao, T., Mattila, S., Kotak, R. & Kuncarayakti, H., 1 Oct 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 678, A43.

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  • The Event Horizon Telescope Image of the Quasar NRAO 530

    Jorstad, S., Wielgus, M., Lico, R., Issaoun, S., Broderick, A. E., Pesce, D. W., Liu, J., Zhao, G. Y., Krichbaum, T. P., Blackburn, L., Chan, C. K., Janssen, M., Ramakrishnan, V., Akiyama, K., Alberdi, A., Algaba, J. C., Bouman, K. L., Cho, I., Fuentes, A., Gómez, J. L., & 2 othersGurwell, M. & Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 1 Feb 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 943, 2, 19 p., 170.

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  • Time variability of the core-shift effect in the blazar 3C 454.3

    Chamani, W., Savolainen, T., Ros, E., Kovalev, Y. Y., Wiik, K., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M. & Tammi, J., 1 Apr 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 672, A130.

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  • VERITAS Discovery of Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from S3 1227+25 and Multiwavelength Observations

    Hovatta, T., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M. & VERITAS Collaboration, 1 Jun 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 950, 2, 152.

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  • 2022

    A decade of joint MOJAVE-Fermi AGN monitoring: localization of the gamma-ray emission region

    Kramarenko, I. G., Pushkarev, A. B., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lister, M. L., Hovatta, T. & Savolainen, T., Feb 2022, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 510, 1, p. 469-480 12 p.

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  • A Universal Power-law Prescription for Variability from Synthetic Images of Black Hole Accretion Flows

    Georgiev, B., Pesce, D. W., Broderick, A. E., Wong, G. N., Dhruv, V., Wielgus, M., Gammie, C. F., Chan, C. K., Chatterjee, K., Emami, R., Mizuno, Y., Gold, R., Fromm, C. M., Ricarte, A., Yoon, D., Joshi, A. V., Prather, B., Cruz-Osorio, A., Johnson, M. D., Porth, O., & 31 othersOlivares, H., Younsi, Z., Rezzolla, L., Vos, J., Qiu, R., Nathanail, A., Narayan, R., Chael, A., Anantua, R., Moscibrodzka, M., Akiyama, K., Alberdi, A., Alef, W., Algaba, J. C., Asada, K., Azulay, R., Bach, U., Baczko, A. K., Ball, D., Baloković, M., Barrett, J., Bauböck, M., Benson, B. A., Bintley, D., Blackburn, L., Blundell, R., Kim, D. J., Ramakrishnan, V., Savolainen, T., Wagner, J. & Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 1 May 2022, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 930, 2, p. 1-32 32 p., L20.

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  • Characterizing and Mitigating Intraday Variability: Reconstructing Source Structure in Accreting Black Holes with mm-VLBI

    Broderick, A. E., Gold, R., Georgiev, B., Pesce, D. W., Tiede, P., Ni, C., Moriyama, K., Akiyama, K., Alberdi, A., Alef, W., Algaba, J. C., Anantua, R., Asada, K., Azulay, R., Bach, U., Baczko, A. K., Ball, D., Baloković, M., Barrett, J., Bauböck, M., & 31 othersBenson, B. A., Bintley, D., Blackburn, L., Blundell, R., Bouman, K. L., Bower, G. C., Boyce, H., Bremer, M., Brinkerink, C. D., Brissenden, R., Britzen, S., Broguiere, D., Bronzwaer, T., Bustamante, S., Byun, D. Y., Carlstrom, J. E., Ceccobello, C., Chael, A., Chan, C. K., Chatterjee, K., Chatterjee, S., Chen, M. T., Chen, Y., Cheng, X., Cho, I., Christian, P., Kim, D. J., Ramakrishnan, V., Savolainen, T., Wagner, J. & Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 1 May 2022, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 930, 2, p. 1-30 30 p., L21.

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  • CMB-S4: Forecasting Constraints on Primordial Gravitational Waves

    Abazajian, K., Addison, G. E., Adshead, P., Ahmed, Z., Akerib, D., Ali, A., Allen, S. W., Alonso, D., Alvarez, M., Amin, M. A., Anderson, A., Arnold, K. S., Ashton, P., Baccigalupi, C., Bard, D., Barkats, D., Barron, D., Barry, P. S., Bartlett, J. G., Basu Thakur, R., & 214 othersBattaglia, N., Bean, R., Bebek, C., Bender, A. N., Benson, B. A., Bianchini, F., Bischoff, C. A., Bleem, L., Bock, J. J., Bocquet, S., Boddy, K. K., Richard Bond, J., Borrill, J., Bouchet, F. R., Brinckmann, T., Brown, M. L., Bryan, S., Buza, V., Byrum, K., Hervias Caimapo, C., Calabrese, E., Calafut, V., Caldwell, R., Carlstrom, J. E., Carron, J., Cecil, T., Challinor, A., Chang, C. L., Chinone, Y., Sherry Cho, H. M., Cooray, A., Coulton, W., Crawford, T. M., Crites, A., Cukierman, A., Cyr-Racine, F. Y., De Haan, T., Delabrouille, J., Devlin, M., Di Valentino, E., Dierickx, M., Dobbs, M., Duff, S., Dvorkin, C., Eimer, J., Elleflot, T., Errard, J., Essinger-Hileman, T., Fabbian, G., Feng, C., Ferraro, S., Filippini, J. P., Flauger, R., Flaugher, B., Fraisse, A. A., Frolov, A., Galitzki, N., Gallardo, P. A., Galli, S., Ganga, K., Gerbino, M., Gluscevic, V., Goeckner-Wald, N., Green, D., Grin, D., Grohs, E., Gualtieri, R., Gudmundsson, J. E., Gullett, I., Gupta, N., Habib, S., Halpern, M., Halverson, N. W., Hanany, S., Harrington, K., Hasegawa, M., Hasselfield, M., Hazumi, M., Heitmann, K., Henderson, S., Hensley, B., Hill, C., Colin Hill, J., Hlozek, R., Patty Ho, S. P., Hoang, T., Holder, G., Holzapfel, W., Hood, J., Hubmayr, J., Huffenberger, K. M., Hui, H., Irwin, K., Jeong, O., Johnson, B. R., Jones, W. C., Hwan Kang, J., Karkare, K. S., Katayama, N., Keskitalo, R., Kisner, T., Knox, L., Koopman, B. J., Kosowsky, A., Kovac, J., Kovetz, E. D., Kuhlmann, S., Kuo, C. L., Kusaka, A., Lähteenmäki, A., Lawrence, C. R., Lee, A. T., Lewis, A., Li, D., Linder, E., Loverde, M., Lowitz, A., Lubin, P., Madhavacheril, M. S., Mantz, A., Marques, G., Matsuda, F., Mauskopf, P., McCarrick, H., McMahon, J., Daniel Meerburg, P., Melin, J. B., Menanteau, F., Meyers, J., Millea, M., Mohr, J., Moncelsi, L., Monzani, M., Mroczkowski, T., Mukherjee, S., Nagy, J., Namikawa, T., Nati, F., Natoli, T., Newburgh, L., Niemack, M. D., Nishino, H., Nord, B., Novosad, V., O'Brient, R., Padin, S., Palladino, S., Partridge, B., Petravick, D., Pierpaoli, E., Pogosian, L., Prabhu, K., Pryke, C., Puglisi, G., Racine, B., Rahlin, A., Sathyanarayana Rao, M., Raveri, M., Reichardt, C. L., Remazeilles, M., Rocha, G., Roe, N. A., Roy, A., Ruhl, J. E., Salatino, M., Saliwanchik, B., Schaan, E., Schillaci, A., Schmitt, B., Schmittfull, M. M., Scott, D., Sehgal, N., Shandera, S., Sherwin, B. D., Shirokoff, E., Simon, S. M., Slosar, A., Spergel, D., St. Germaine, T., Staggs, S. T., Stark, A., Starkman, G. D., Stompor, R., Stoughton, C., Suzuki, A., Tajima, O., Teply, G. P., Thompson, K., Thorne, B., Timbie, P., Tomasi, M., Tristram, M., Tucker, G., Umiltà, C., Van Engelen, A., Vavagiakis, E. M., Vieira, J. D., Vieregg, A. G., Wagoner, K., Wallisch, B., Wang, G., Watson, S., Westbrook, B., Whitehorn, N., Wollack, E. J., Kimmy Wu, W. L., Xu, Z., Eric Yang, H. Y., Yasini, S., Yefremenko, V. G., Won Yoon, K., Young, E., Yu, C. & Zonca, A., 1 Feb 2022, In: The Astrophysical Journal. 926, 1, 23 p., 54.

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  • Collimation of the Relativistic Jet in the Quasar 3C 273

    Okino, H., Akiyama, K., Asada, K., Gómez, J. L., Hada, K., Honma, M., Krichbaum, T. P., Kino, M., Nagai, H., Bach, U., Blackburn, L., Bouman, K. L., Chael, A., Crew, G. B., Doeleman, S. S., Fish, V. L., Goddi, C., Issaoun, S., Johnson, M. D., Jorstad, S., & 15 othersKoyama, S., Lonsdale, C. J., Lu, R. S., Martí-Vidal, I., Matthews, L. D., Mizuno, Y., Moriyama, K., Nakamura, M., Pu, H. Y., Ros, E., Savolainen, T., Tazaki, F., Wagner, J., Wielgus, M. & Zensus, A., 1 Nov 2022, In: Astrophysical Journal. 940, 1, 65.

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    Ramakrishnan, V., Savolainen, T. & Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, 1 May 2022, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 930, 2, L12.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

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    675 Citations (Scopus)
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