
Facility/equipment: Facility

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    Aalto University / School of Science / Otakaari 1B




Equipments Details


Science-IT / Finnish Computing Competence Infrastructure (FCCI):

Science-IT provides infrastructure for high-level computational research at Aalto University and is coordinated by the School of Science. Science-IT acts as Aalto’s SCI lead project and has extensive collaboration both within Aalto as well as with other Finnish universities and CSC.

Science-IT serves midrange computing and special resources needed by the School of Science and Aalto University researchers. Current research areas are: method development; computational materials research; network research; neuroscience; data mining; and machine learning and artificial intelligence. Science-IT has users from all six schools of Aalto.

Science-IT’s flagship is the Triton computational cluster, which provides resources for data-intensive needs and highly parallel problems able to utilize MPI or GPU technologies. A wide range of research areas can benefit from the computational capabilities offered by Triton, including nanotechnology, complex systems, data mining, and neuroscience. Multiple groups of ERC grant holders and national flagship project FCAI utilize Science-IT resources on daily basis.

Science-IT is part of the national Tier-2 computational infrastructure FCCI, that includes both computing and data storage resources. Its key objective is to foster excellence in research and training in all scientific fields that exploit high-performance science. FCCI bridges scientific fields together, researchers to one another, and local on-site resources to national Tier-1 (CSC) and international Tier-0 supercomputing, generating impressive added value for training and science. Its current action (FGCI) is on the Road Map.


Acquisition date01/01/2009


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