ZS2017 AaltoLAG Submission #1 (mostly testing)

  • Okko Räsänen (Creator)
  • Shreyas Seshadri (Creator)



    First submission to the IEEE ASRU / Zero-Resource Speech Processing Challenge with a syllable-based pattern discovery system. Mostly testing the functionality of the system and ensuring that track1 / track2 results replicate for Mandarin/English/French also on the server.

    The track1/track2 systems require MATLAB (see the readme in /system/ for dependencies and tested platform).

    Questions and comments to [email protected].

    Note: This package is NOT an official distribution of the included pattern discovery system. The package is simply intended as a ZS2017 challenge submission and the current version contains large amounts of undocumented lab code.

    The title and description of this software/code correspond with the situation when the software metadata was imported to ACRIS. The most recent version of metadata is available in the original repository
    Date made available19 Jun 2017

    Dataset Licences

    • CC-BY-4.0

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