Parallel COMSOL computation on a cluster



This is a brief step-by-step tutorial presenting an example approach for running massively parallel parametric sweeps with COMSOL Multiphysics on a computer cluster. The tutorial is written for the COMSOL version 6.0 and for the Aalto University's Triton cluster (which uses SLURM workload manager). However, the described approach is rather general and can be adjusted to other COMSOL versions and other cluster systems. It can serve as an alternative to the default parallel computation approaches, such as Cluster Sweep and Batch Sweep.

The tutorial describes:

-setting up the folder structure when using COMSOL on a cluster for the first time,
-checking the available COMSOL licenses,
-setting up parallel computations using SLURM job arrays together with COMSOL batch licenses,
-collecting the results using accumulated probe tables,
-managing the workflow with batch submission scripts,
-examples of Python scripts for reading and plotting the results.
Date made available2 Feb 2023

Dataset Licences

  • CC-BY-4.0

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