General-purpose GAP potential for platinum



Gaussian approximation potential (GAP) [1] for platinum. It has been fitted with QUIP/GAP [1,2] by generating a new database of atomic structures containing:

dimers;fcc, bcc, hcp and simple-cubic supercells, including strained, distorted and high-temperature configurations;surface slabs;clusters (nanoparticles).

Version 2 of this potential included more clusters in the training set than version 1.

The calculations were carried out at the PBE level of theory [3] using the VASP code [4,5]. This potential uses 2-body (distance_2b) and SOAP-type descriptors (soap_turbo) [6,7]. The files can be used both with QUIP/GAP (compiled with the soap_turbo libraries) and TurboGAP [8]. A reference publication will be added when available.


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Date made available8 Dec 2022

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