Dataset of impulse responses from variable acoustics room Arni at Aalto Acoustic Labs



A dataset of impulse responses collected in the variable acoustics laboratory Arni at Acoustics Lab of Aalto University, Espoo, Finland.

IRs of 5342 configurations of sound absorption in Arni are included in the dataset. Each of them were measured using an omnidirectional sound source and 5 sound receivers. For each configuration, 5 IRs were captured. The total number of measurements in the dataset is 132 037.

For more information and the reverberation time values estimated from the IRs, please see the paper "Calibrating the Sabine and Eyring formulas" by Karolina Prawda, Sebastian J. Schlecht, and Vesa Välimäki, in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

The work leading to producing the dataset and related research was supported by the Nordic Sound and Music Computing Network---NordicSMC, NordForsk project number 86892.

How to read the files in the dataset:

The general style of file naming is:
for example, for 1 reflective panel, combination 87, IR obtained from 3rd out of 5 sweeps recorded by microphone number 2, the filename is:

The dataset was divided into several files due to its total size. The files included in each .zip file are indicated in its name.

If some of the sound files are missing, e.g. for a certain combination and microphone there are 4 IR recordings instead of 5, it means that the sweep was discarded in the pre-processing phase due to non-stationary noise.
Read more: Karolina Prawda, Sebastian J. Schlecht, and Vesa Välimäki, "Robust selection of clean swept-sine measurements in non-stationary noise", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151, 2117-2126 (2022), doi:

The specific combinations with indication whether the panel was in a reflective (represented by figure 0) or an absorptive (represented by figure 1) state are listed in combinations_setup.csv file.
The first column contains the combination number (0--5341), the first row is the panel number (1--55).

Arni_panels_numbers.pdf contains a diagram showing the panel numbers and locations.

Arni_layout.jpg contains a drawing specifying the positions of source source, sound receivers, and other elements of the interior.

Date made available12 Aug 2022
Date of data productionOct 2020 - Nov 2020

Dataset Licences

  • CC-BY-4.0

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